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interlude [L2J] LineZone


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10% for lifestones is too high..u'll have unbalance classes while daggers with active:shield and passive :shield  archers with active:might,passive:might ....i've seen this in many srv so i suggest to make getting the ls like in a hard way or change it to 5% or smthing to pretend making a star wars srv

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I mean this is your first server or u had been admin previous ?

Of course i was , this is not my first time.


10% for lifestones is too high..u'll have unbalance classes while daggers with active:shield and passive :shield  archers with active:might,passive:might ....i've seen this in many srv so i suggest to make getting the ls like in a hard way or change it to 5% or smthing to pretend making a star wars srv


Thank you for suggestion , maybe that will be applied , anyway lifestone its not so easy to get .

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