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[REQUEST] Event manager l2off Interlude



hello there,


I'm here becaus i'm looking for a auto event manager , but i dont find one here (or maybe i'm blind) :p (and i cant use the Search button)

Is there someone who can share me one or give me a link where I could find a event manager with some events !

Tanks alot .



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hello there,


I'm here becaus i'm looking for a auto event manager , but i dont find one here (or maybe i'm blind) :p (and i cant use the Search button)

Is there someone who can share me one or give me a link where I could find a event manager with some events !

Tanks alot .




Does not exist, if your looking for something alla all of l2j's stuff.


You'll have to actually learn AI and/or write your own manger with subsequent events and inject it into l2server.


or pay some idiot nub dev here, to make you something half arsed that's semi working :D

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