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Enki, Lineage 2 is Interlude !






* Dedicated Server, hosted in a Datacenter

* 1oo Mbits/sec Bandwitch



* XP: 45

* SP: 45

* Drops: 35

* Spoils: 35

* Adenas: 65

* Party: 1.3

* Champions Mobs: 5%




* Class Manager

* 3rd class

* Sub-Classes(free)

* Seven Signs

* Champion Mobs

* Demon Swords

* Wedding system

* Duel System

* Nobless

* Heroes

* Castle Sieges

* Clan Halls

* Treasure Chests

* Herbs

* Cheap GateKeepers, return to hometowns for free


Other features:

* GM shop up to B

* Caradine letter in shop

* Some mats rcp's in shop.

* Full Npc buffer




* Frequent Updates in order to follow Interlude's development.

* Lag Free.

* Non-Corrupt GM's.

* No Donation for Items.

* International Server.

* TeamSpeak, IRC servers.(soon)

* Daily Backups.


More infos on http://enkinetwork.freeforums.org/ !(curently,)

Website will bee soon avalible



We are a passionate team, strengthened by our experience in community and online games.

Our main goal is to answer the players' expectations in order to ensure an optimal quality of the services .


We look forward to be hearing from you, as we start filling the blank pages of our story, story who only awaits your words !


Yours sincerely,

David,Axel,Elias .

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