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He is a VERY good and fast jungler , but he sux at ganking  unless the enemies have REALLY overextended.


I go : Lantern ( i start with cloth and W) , Frozen mallet , warmog's /Sunfire  ,atma's and then some extra durability and mana like Banshee's.




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just got olaf. any build for him?


jungle or solo lane? ;D


paysafe,brolaf skin.


Auto win,(if you can get graggy ice too,would make it faster)








Ok serious now,Go jungle,and follow typical atk dmg tanky dps build (like xin,nocturne)

i start with lattern,ghostblade,mallet and atmas impaler.you can get in enemy carries with ragnarok and ghostblade and be ghostoppable.Its extremely good when you face hard cc enemies who protect their carries well.


Well,you can gank just with red buff(who ganks without red buff?)Just go in an overextended enemy,and start with auto attack in order to  make him flash/ghost.next time do the same if you got red.if your lane partner has any kind of cc kill will be ensured




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olaf kicks asses!

played a ranked game and i had 14/6 til our eve ragequit because our blitz got blue buff! trhen his premade xin stayed afk and our twitch fed 4/16


of course we lost and i ended up 14/10 without atmas


french gay dogs!

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