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15x Rates

Scheme Buffer 30+12, GM Shop, balanced MP pots, various rewards on Fantasy isle


Free subclass, class change, noblesse without quest


Blue mob spoil, no raid curse (on normal RB)


normal raidbosses respawn after 1h, RB drop is 2x


many events

highly advanced private freya pack, all zones working


fully web-integrated account system / statistics


full bot protection, professional german hosting company, no lag/downtime!


no donations





Yea, and well, no auto-learning skills nor class changer,I mean it's not super high rate but it's high enough to need that x]


auto-learn skills and class change are on now after restart in the night.


gm-shop we think about adding more to it, but that can be discussed with players. Thing is, many items can be obtained from raids, since they have only 1h respawn..


and yes, after beta will be wipe...


Well, do you mean Epic raids or just the normal ones? Cuz doing Baium in B grade could well...take a while

Btw, any other players there yet? Got pretty bored of running around by myself <.<


I mean the normal ones of course.


They will not give raid curse, so you can really farm them for s grade. s80/s84 can be taken from mob drops easily on 15x rate... But well, we can discuss this.


Raidbosses here should be a major part of the game, this is the idea, and what make this server different from pvp-only servers...


ClassChange is done via the litle question mark that appears on the side, try that :)


As far as players go, we just opened beta and startet announcing (including email to our 5k forum accounts), so it may take a while until people show up, in beta normally not so many people join though. Opening will be on 15.07., then we will see how's it going...


And how about wipes? Will there be any? Or should I keep leveling :P Good idea about the raids though, more teamwork instead of solo farming for hours...


Unfortunately for you there will be wipe ;) No use to start fullpower now...


Its just for checking things out and make suggestions what can be improved... And a bit time to make people aware things gonna happen here :)




Well, server looks good and I'ma give it another try once it goes live...Might be a bit more fun if I ain't the only player online <.<

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