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Looking for Associates. GF+AdvExt64 Files




Im an experienced L2OFF server owner.

I recentlly adquired GF Files+AdvExt and launched a server, turned off by personal issues.


Im looking for serious associated (not kids pls, only mature people) to try a new server, I can offer my files with license and updates, i can setup them, pre-configure, I can make the website+Forum (just leave server ready to go) and my experience.


Im looking for somebody with a remote machine or the will to participate (on every sense), "not wannabes gms".


I maded serious projects on the past, spending lot of time and money, now my monetary situation is not so good but my desire to made a stable server for the comunity are is still present.


If you are interested or you have some question please contact with me via PM or send me your mail.


Thanks in advance

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If you can do that, why is it you need someone?


IF you can afford to pay fr3dbr monetos for his Luxury Mansion full of coke, whiskey and whores (This is how i imagine, and it 100% is the pure truth).

You can surely afford  100 bucks a month on a dedicated box.


And since it's plug'n'play and you have to exactly nothing, you don't really need a "dev".

brasilians no need of the LUXURY, here... only s some, who see the stuff, affair simple  of life
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