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Its not my server , iam a player in it , server is really nice opened today 27.6.11.

info :


Classic Kraft x30 server, Chronicle: Interlude.

Rates: Ex x30, SP x30, Drop x30, Spoil x30, Adena x100

Skills teacher with masters - no books!

Installed on the server, store up to B Grade!

The main currency server Festival Adena!

Raid Boss respawn on the nobility for 4-5 hours, the other RB

All of the major buffs to 2 hours.

There AIO Buffer!

Bonus vote L2Top comes automatically once

5 minutes (Coin of Luck)!

Several automatic Eventov as well as copyrights

opening event of the administration of the project!

Implemented all of the quests chronicles Interlude!

A chance to enchant is 60%!

Work of the siege of forts and elite clan halls!

Offline trades / craft with recovery after the restart!

Siege castles every week on Saturdays and Sundays!

Good GEODATA + search path (the players / mobs bypass


Getting the profession entirely adena!


Site - http://infaris.net

Patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?we5acneieho4d4q

Forum - http://forum.infaris.net/index.php

Hope to see you in , Population is kinda low , but the server it self is great , if your a mid rate player you should give it a try.

If you need help pme in game : Jaegarn.

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