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Exp: 1000x

SP: 1000x

Adena: 1000x

No costum

Auto learn skills

(Server Hosted in USA)


PVP / PK color system

PVP reward system

War hero system (when you kill 7 times in a row withoud death, you will gain hero glow and war hero status)

.away system (commands: .away & .back)

Wedding system

.online shows online players

Retail like olympiad

Olympiad from 16:00 to 22:00

Weekly hero change

45 buff slots

Enchantable hero weapons


Enchant rates:

Enchant safe: +4

Max enchant weapons: +16

Max enchant armors: +16

Max enchant jewels: +16


Enchant rate simple scroll: 70%

Enchant rate blessed scroll: 90%


GM Shop up to S Grade

RB Jewels & Nobless you can get from our flower shop

Raid Boss respawn time: 1h. 20min.

Nobless from rb only

Lifestone Party Zone: You can go with a Friend to farm Lifestones Per mob = 2 Ls

Augment system

Secret Book of Giants seller

Skill enchanter

Secret Book of Giants from olympiad and RB

Proffesion manager


Server is "Deticated we need just buy a new Domain"

We can hold about 700 ppl without any kind of problems.


3 different events every 1h.


Capture The Flag (CTF)

Team vs Team (TvT)

Deathmatch (DM)


Music box shop

No coruption!

All buff time - 1h.

Free buffs

No lag


And much more...





Mutch player's are alrdy waiting till server open




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