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The following changes have been done today.



● Changes to Existing Skills

● NPC Changes

● Miscellaneous



Changes to Existing Skills:


▫ Skill: The Heart of Pa'agrio

The reuse time is increased to 15 sec (used to be 5 sec).


▫ Skill: Cancellation

The amount of skills cancelled has been decreased to 3 (used to be 5).


▫ Skill: Chain Heal

The reuse time is increased to 15 sec (used to be 5 sec).


▫ Skill: Steal Divinity

The amount of skills steals has been decreased to 3 (used to be 7).




NPC Changes:


Bubbles NPC (Joke Shop)


▫ Added Recipes section.


Contains Armors/Weapons Recipes and Crafting materials.


▫ Added to Echos & Miscellaneous section the following items:


Fireworks, Mystery Potion, Facelifting Potions, Dye Potions, Hair Style Change Potions and Scroll of Escape: All Towns.





Crafting system


▫ Craft was made 100% chance for those individuals that wanted Masterworks. The recipe display will remain showing 60% or 70% because we can't modify this.




▫ Warrior's Temporary Healing Potion


The amount of HP healed was decreased to 4% of the character Max HP (used to be 30%).




▫ The mobs that drop herbs will just drop from now on the following herbs:


Herb of Mana , Herb of Life and Vitality Replenishing Herb.

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