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1.Players with rb jewels dmg you like 1500 dmg more than players without.

2.The first server also that archers sucks,weird


Anyway,i'm out.Good luck


1. I'm up for a test in game. If what you said is not true, I would like you to edit your reply and apologize. If what you claim is true, I will apologize for losing your time.

2. It's different from the other high rate huh? All classes got chance and you find it strange, lol.




1. I'm up for a test in game. If what you said is not true, I would like you to edit your reply and apologize. If what you claim is true, I will apologize for losing your time.

2. It's different from the other high rate huh? All classes got chance and you find it strange, lol.

1.There two guys who i know that have raid boss jewels and doing very big dmg like backstub 5k(i'm with mage +8 dc set+cov).You tell me

2.I know what you wanted to succeed but fcking up archer,ain't the best sollution.


1.There two guys who i know that have raid boss jewels and doing very big dmg like backstub 5k(i'm with mage +8 dc set+cov).You tell me

2.I know what you wanted to succeed but fcking up archer,ain't the best sollution.


1. So you refuse to test it? Then edit your reply and say sorry.

2. Fucking them up ? Come on, there are people who play archer and still the mass pvps are with archers, but you actually see other classes too, lol.


1. So you refuse to test it? Then edit your reply and say sorry.

1.I'm out,don't care anymore and i don't have a reason to say lies lol.

Maybe is not by rb jewels,but could you explain me how i receive that dmg?

From a significant player who i know that has a rb jewel.

2.I'm not saying this,every player say it.But since you don't play to the server(ofc you don't),you don't know.Want a test?Bring the question at Announcement and take your answers.




1.I'm out,don't care anymore and i don't have a reason to say lies lol.

Maybe is not by rb jewels,but could you explain me how i receive that dmg?

From a significant player who i know that has a rb jewel.

2.I'm not saying this,every player say it.But since you don't play to the server(ofc you don't),you don't know.Want a test?Bring the question at Announcement and take your answers.




Hope they never promote you for a l2 mod. You have absolutely no clue about that game.


Hope they never promote you for a l2 mod. You have absolutely no clue about that game.

That's another thing about my position in here which i won't even discuss it.

Okay i don't have clue about that game,it's good answer.


Hope they never promote you for a l2 mod. You have absolutely no clue about that game.

Everyone that actually SEES the things clearly and gives a bad comment about ur server is a liar and has no clue about l2.Like me huh?




Ye Suth, most people dont like the fact that they cant own Everyone with their archer.

Ok , you're pro.

We are noobs , we get it.

FighterBoss just expressed his opinion thats all,u must admit that l2certus isnt the ''pro'' and balanced server around.. at least for now..

Fix the server,or dont comment on players replys.


(Also my last post has been deleted)



In every server ppl are running around with archers (high rate one) and here archers are a bit nerfed. so what. like kiefer said we still have archers pts.


In every server ppl are running around with archers (high rate one) and here archers are a bit nerfed. so what. like kiefer said we still have archers pts.


Don't bother.. they find an archer who doesn't kill with 2 shots a bugged one.


Information about the new event which will take place at friday!!! There is no difference if you are a new player or old! All have the same chances! You just have to build a good strategy to win!




Next big event will be at Friday ( 29.07.2011 ) at 20:00 GMT + 2. Since we want these big events to be unique, I've come up with a new idea about the next event. It will be a PvP event, but a bit different one than the usual type. To participate, you must be 40 lvl with not higher grade than C. The event will be self buffed and the following classes Bishop/Elven Elder/Shilien Elder/Prophet will NOT be allowed. You will make the subclass in front of us. It will be a 1 v 1 event. There will be 3 winners. CP pots will NOT be allowed. The winner will be rewarded with accessory of his choice + 5 certus gold chests. For 2nd place we will give 5 certus gold chests and the 3rd one we will reward with 3 certus gold chests.



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