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Server sucks!Custom armor and weapon stats are not what you actually read when you click on them.The people that joined in the first hours farmed and they keep pking you.Classes are not balanced at all.GMs use /allblock(like they have 456456546 people on the server and can't answer replies) + they won't reply to petitions.No geodata at all.Mobs and players can hit you through walls.


if you wanna waste your time on it hf!

Server is really waste of time dont start to play there.

This is the truth guys.



full unbalance,no geodata

server sucks really guys

its waste of time dont join there..



man server good now but give me info for pvp color  and ls rate 5 % or 8 % and dont like server dont join dont give comment ! admin pls stop give reward game fa  only 17;00 give 200 g medal and 50k or 30k fa stop PLS FIX ME PROBLEMS ADD CAT BUFF AND PONY BUFF 340 ON  GIRAN HAVE 50 BUFFER BOX


I check this topic and i saw 5-6 same users say all the that server sucks and 5-6 say that server rocks....

So plz stop spamming........let and other users to say their opinion and stop spamming ffs.


I check this topic and i saw 5-6 same users say all the that server sucks and 5-6 say that server rocks....

So plz stop spamming........let and other users to say their opinion and stop spamming ffs.

Im not spamming,im just saying my opinion.

Give me a rule that tells me not do to.


Im not spamming,im just saying my opinion.

Give me a rule that tells me not do to.

They added geodata..and actually you dont even know what it is.

Server guys is good but need more balance on some classes..for example duelist and dagger.

I would really know any bad thing for this server! I'm glad for gm's that give back the fa after wipe,couse everyone took back his items and also gave a chance to newbie to dont farm.It's pvp server,you have to care only for farm so there is no problem if they took some more fa.

Chill.. !


Im not spamming,im just saying my opinion.

Give me a rule that tells me not do to.


There is no rule...but stop repeating urself....u said ur opinion now bug off....


What's with the "1 day on 380+ online"?when i logged in the first day it had 20 players... the 2nd 25 and the 3rd reached like 40-50...


the owner is GOD , OMG ,380 in first day , you should be JESUS

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