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Features haven't been released all. Only the possible new features have been posted in forums, they're under consideration still, but we expect the server early/mid Jule.


So here's small list of tweaks and things done until now.


We've protected the newbies.

- Characters below 39 level won't be attackable.


We've protected adena exploits.

- This mean characters below 76 won't be able to trade. You'll need to reach 76 to trade any item.


Easier accessible zones.

- Commands that send you directly to the zones we've designed.

Example: .farm1


Chat's tweak ups.

- !Chat is GM only.

- Trade chat is accessible from players that are noblesse, or have more than 10 pvps. (Preventing Spams)


Vote systems and events systems.

- Advanced voting system. Gives rewards for votes, reaching first place on vote site gives huge amount of rewards.

- Events included: CTF,DM,TVT and TW. Daily TOP PvPer getting reward(an item specially for him, if he loose the first place, the reward is given to the new top PvPer).


Protections tweaks.

- Captcha tests appearing from time to time, to make sure we won't have any bots ingame.

- Numerous other protection tweaks to make the gameplay smoother.



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