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script for E.Mana pots + Combat Pots +P.attack Pots ?


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Can someone write a mix of Emana pots/ and Warrior potion buffs, that can be used in one script? i dont know how to do it!!!




something like Mana < 75% use pot

Attackspeed < 1000 use CHP





mana scritp can be found here on fourm, but no a mix :(


this script should work then on DN-servers

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USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728])


I did not create this fully (just the CharStatus(HP,!=,0) thing). For hp potions you might want to Use walker auto option for healig potions. For CP potions there is CP clickers that you can download (Use search button).

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p. atc pots you can set in l2w settings - you don't need scripts - go to "buffs" window, last 4 buff slot, are for pots, if you don't have p. atc potion on buff list, for sure you have some empty slots on this list, try use empty slot - one of it is p atc pot


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p. atc pots you can set in l2w settings - you don't need scripts - go to "buffs" window, last 4 buff slot, are for pots, if you don't have p. atc potion on buff list, for sure you have some empty slots on this list, try use empty slot - one of it is p atc pot


i know this, but sometimes the "empty" spot is skipped not 100% use but always
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i know this, but sometimes the "empty" spot is skipped not 100% use but always


i am not sure if i understand your problem, but if you set empty spt, and nothink happened, try change time to 1 sec, if after this also nothing happened this mean this isn't any potion:)

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if u wanna make e . mana or combat haste or p atk pot , u have to go here : in l2walker :

buff settings , (than u will have items) check the white slot (u can't see what is write there)

and if ur inv have only cmba hast - p atk pot - e mana u will find 3 slot empty (white)

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