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This server have lot of corruption... Edited Characters by GM... I dont recomended this server...


Give a proof of what your saying if youll give ill close the server , if not dont say bullshit!

im sure your one of the guys who got banned cuz of stupidity and now you're coming here to unleash your rage  ;D


P.S. Tommorow we have a raidboss event! read forum for details.


We have made some updates to our server , on of the main updates was : making l2offical dmg calculation formula so now everyone can enjoy the offical balance :)


also we have reduced between events time from 3 to 2.




hello l2 players ,

we did some updates lately so i decided to bring to you all server information here :

Server Information


Server rates


Exp/SP: 25x

Party Exp/SP: 2x

Adena: 30x

Drop: 15x

Spoil: 20x

Manor: 5x

Raid: 5x


Herbs: HP/MP herbs at increased rate for easier farming.

Quests: Handled manually, each quest has its own rates.

Enchant: 75%

Safe Enchant: +3

Full body armor safe enchant: +4

Max Enchant: +16


General Info


No drop penalty for dark blue mobs

Champion mobs enabled

Retail like clan penalties

Offline shops enabled

80mins buff duration

Global GK

GM shop until B-grade

Free 1st Class change

500k 2nd Class change

10kk 3rd Class change, reward: 1 BOG

Free Subclass

Noble Q retail

Wedding Enabled

AIO NPC buffer

3 Castles active: Aden, Goddard, Giran

Clan notice system enabled

Anti-buff shield

Unstuck 30sec

Olympiad 2 week cycle

Retail-like cursed weapons, 300mins duration.

Skill enchanter NPC

Special enchant zone in giran

Delevel NPC

Oly time left until next period whenever you login

Oly manager shouts whenever oly games take place

Player killed player announcements with location of the pvp




Death Match

Town War

When a golem attacks


Double Domination

Last man standing

Bomb fight

Team VS team


Lucky chests

Russian roluette

Simon says


Capture the flag



More events handled by GMs




.repair - Use if a char on your account gets stucked.

Shift + Click on mobs to view infos


Join us now ! http://www.l2warcraft.com




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in the picture u dont see it very well but there are more many shops when you walk in. and this is only in Giran.

community is rising , ppl understand this server is not managed by kids.

we are doin updates daily and everytime improving the server performance.

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