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Help with gm shop



Exo katevasei auton edo ton gm shop http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=18196.0

exo ftiaxei ta animations, systextures, sound, system, Kai mesa ston server exo vali ta html ta armor ktl...

Kai den xerw pou na valo auta ta arxeia npc_GMShopFull INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('6722', '30837', 'Senso', '1', '*GM~Shop*', '1', 'NPC.e_traderB_MDwarf', '20.00', '25.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Merchant', '40', '3862', '1493', '13.43', '3.09', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '0', '0', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '80', '120', null, '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT');  kai to Shop Lists  :

delete from merchant_buylists where shop_id between 5000 and 5160;

REPLACE INTO `merchant_buylists` (`item_id`,`price`,`shop_id`,`order`) VALUES

('26', '250654', '5000', '1'),

('31', '240156', '5000', '2'),

('1105', '26489', '5000', '3'),

('1101', '273894', '5000', '4'),

('1148', '254098', '5000', '5'),

('51', '250698', '5000', '6'),

('1129', '260879', '5000', '7'),

('34', '290816', '5000', '8'),

('24', '24358', '5000', '9'),

('2452', '90560', '5001', '1'),

('470', '138500', '5001', '2'),

('396', '250689', '5001', '3'),

('2378', '98365', '5001', '4'),

('352', '290365', '5001', '5'),

('437', '268975', '5001', '6'),

('2412', '24987', '5001', '7'),

('2427', '98700', '5001', '8'),

('439', '890265', '5002', '1'),

('2454', '987625', '5002', '2'),

('2430', '1569800', '5002', '3'),

('356', '1250000', '5002', '4'),

('2414', '1398000', '5002', '5'),

('2437', '985632', '5002', '6'),

('2462', '1300298', '5002', '7'),

('2461', '986200', '5002', '8'),

('2438', '1200000', '5002', '9'),

('401', '1105986', '5002', '10'),

('471', '1262365', '5002', '11'),

('5720', '3262987', '5003', '1'),

('5718', '3698725', '5003', '2'),

('2415', '3985846', '5003', '3'),

('5723', '3897565', '5003', '4'),

('5724', '2987564', '5003', '5'),

('2381', '3598000', '5003', '6'),

('2380', '2900000', '5003', '7'),

('5722', '3345670', '5003', '8'),

('2379', '3598702', '5003', '9'),

('2399', '2897600', '5003', '10'),

('5730', '3150000', '5003', '11'),

('5714', '3208600', '5003', '12'),

('2376', '3000000', '5003', '13'),

('2390', '3580000', '5003', '14'),

('2384', '3264987', '5003', '15'),

('2417', '2900000', '5003', '16'),

('550', '2890000', '5003', '17'),

('2397', '2500000', '5003', '18'),

('2392', '2987650', '5003', '19'),

('358', '3200689', '5003', '20'),

('2404', '2969000', '5003', '22'),

('2416', '3150658', '5003', '23'),

('2403', '2987000', '5003', '24'),

('5735', '3200000', '5003', '25'),

('5716', '3150000', '5003', '26'),

('5726', '3568756', '5003', '27'),

('5734', '2987000', '5003', '28'),

('5739', '3290000', '5003', '29'),

('5728', '3510000', '5003', '30'),

('5710', '3200610', '5003', '31'),

('503', '3499523', '5003', '32'),

('2388', '3000951', '5003', '33'),

('5719', '3240000', '5003', '34'),

('5738', '3150000', '5003', '35'),

('5732', '3000000', '5003', '36'),

('357', '2927000', '5003', '37'),

('5727', '3265701', '5003', '38'),

('2406', '3300000', '5003', '39'),

('2398', '3158900', '5003', '40'),

('5731', '3256100', '5003', '41'),

('5736', '3465000', '5003', '42'),

('5712', '3126489', '5003', '43'),

('5711', '3500000', '5003', '44'),

('2402', '3230000', '5003', '45'),

('2391', '3023654', '5003', '46'),

('5740', '3550020', '5003', '47'),

('383', '3562000', '5003', '48'),

('2368', '138', '5005', '1'),

('253', '768', '5005', '2'),

('254', '12500', '5005', '3'),

('2371', '25500', '5005', '4'),

('255', '54100', '5005', '5'),

('256', '136000', '5005', '6'),

('257', '244000', '5005', '7'),

('258', '409000', '5005', '8'),

('259', '644000', '5005', '9'),

('260', '967000', '5005', '10'),

('261', '1400000', '5005', '11'),

.....ktl ktl ktl ktl.......


update merchant_buylists set price = price*60 where item_id between 1295 and 1332 and shop_id between 4999 and 5155;

UPDATE npc SET NAME = 'Senso', RHAND= '0', LHAND= '0', TYPE = 'L2Merchant'WHERE id = '6722';



plz help. ty

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Logika tha exeis to navicat egkatestimeno k tha exeis egkatasthsei tin database .... opote patas sto l2jdb (database s)deksi click meta Excecute Bath File ta briskeis auta ta 2 k patas ok k 8a s fortwsei kati otan sta fortwsei anoikse ton server k kane spawn to id tou gm shop! Ean exeis problima pes mou!

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vasika megale, an ksanakoitakseis to post, pio katw, 8a deis oti

o uploader eixe kanei kapoies la8os ri8miseis....

k 8a to ksana kanei upload molis to fixarei..

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