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               Grand Opening June 25th - Saturday! 18:00 PM GMT+2






                                                              L2 Lunarion x200




Website: www.l2lunarion.com

Forum: www.l2lunarion.com/forum



Enchanting system:


L2 Lunarion is providing very unique enchanting system:


Gear cannot be broken (crystallized) - after failed enchant attempt, item remains it's previous enchant value. For example, if player tryes to enchant +10 weapons and if it fails, the weapon remains +10.


Enchant limits:


Safe: +3

Max armor/jewel: +25

Max weapon: +30


Enchant rates:


+3 to +10 = 70%

+10 to +15 = 50%

+15 to +20 = 30%

+20 to +25 = 20%

+25 to +30 = 10% (for weapons only.)

Why such high enchants? To extend gearing up and economy progress. Also, to make slight difference between new comers and old timers. Server is not aimed to provide max gear in few days. However, gear will never break, so even if players fail to enchant, they can still go and happily continue farming or PvP'ing with same gear, instead of staying in town and enchanting endless parts that keep breaking. No rage quits too.

Farming system:


L2 Lunarion farming system is divided into Solo zone and Party zone. However, both zones are located in one area to don't spread PvP. Elven Fortress is Party zone and area out of Elven Fortress is Solo zone.


Solo zone mobs:


- Meele, not aggresive and easy to kill mobs.

- Three, very populated spots for AOE farming.


Solo zone drops:


- Adena

- High and Top grade life stones

- Giant Codex

- Giant COdex Mastery (very low chance.)


Party zone mobs:


- Meele, not aggresive, but pretty strong and hard to kill mini raid bosses.

- All Party zone is instant flagg zone. (PvP zone.)

- Party is definetly required to farm in there.


Party zone drops:


- Mini raid bosses drop much higher amount of drops than mobs in Solo zone

- Adena

- High and Top grade life stones

- Giant Codex

- Giant Codex Mastery


Party or player that dealt highest damage will get the drops.


Epic raid bosses:


- All epics' areas are instant flagg zones (PvP zones.)

- Zaken's outer gate area is instant flag zone.

- No quests required.

- NPC in town with respawn times information.

- NPC in town with teleport services to get to epics.

- All epics are level 85.

Respawn times:


- Queen Ant 12 hours +-30 minutes.

- Zaken 12 hours +-30 minutes.

- Baium 24 hours +-40 minutes.

- Antharas 24 hours +-40 minutes.

- Beleth 24 hours +-40 minutes.

- Frintezza 30 hours +-1 hour.

- Valakas 30 hours +-1 hour.




- Epic jewel 1

- Adena

- Giant Codex

- Giant Codex Mastery

- Top grade life stones




- To obtain Nobless status, player needs to kill Barakiel or to buy Caradine's letter in GM shop for 15 000 Adena.

- Barakiel's respawn time is 3 hours +-15 minutes.

- Area around Barakiel is instant flagg zone (PvP zone).

- If lured out of range, RB will respawn.

- Drops Caradine's letter.

- Player or party that dealt most damage will get the drops.




- Hero period is 1 week.

- All skills reuse before match.

- Wait time before getting teleported in stadium is 20 seconds, not 120.

- Olympiad takes place twice per day: 20:00 - 22:00 GMT+2 and 05:00 - 06:00 GMT+2.

- Class based matches are disabled.

- To join Olympiad player needs to have atleast 50 PvP points.




- Passive augments give +10% bonus.


Modified skills:


- Cancellation; Touch of Death; Steal Divinity; Insance Crusher; Panther Cancel; works only in Olympiad.

- Mystic Muse and Archmage gets skill: Curse of Abyss. Usable only out of Olympiad.

- Hydro Blast and Prominence reuse times are decreased.

- Mana Burn reuse is increased.

- Sacrifice doesn't work for self target.

- Boost Morale dissapears once player is out of Vanguard stance.

- Frenzy is slightly nerfed.

PvP gear:


- PvP Dagger; PvP Spear; PvP Fists; PvP Dual Swords effects are changed.

- Removed chance to cancel target's buffs.

- Added chance to land level 1 Hex (-10% P. defense) on target.

- PvP gear is obtainable in GM shop for Adena.


Other features:


- GM shop.

- Only one currency - Adena.

- All in one NPC Buffer. 3 hours buffs.

- Buffs limit - 28/14.

- 1 MP restores 1000 mana.

- CP potions obtainable only via Nobless. Cp potion has 1 second reuse.

- 7 signs disabled.

- Subclass skills certifications disabled.

- Attribute stones/crystals/jewells disabled.

- No weight penalty.

- All talismans disabled.

- Castle Sieges every weekend.

- Max subclasses - 3. Max level of subclass - 85.

- Offline shops working.

- Command /unstuck shortened to 10 seconds.

- Trigger buffs don't count as normal buffs' slots.

- Automatical vote rewards.

- Automatical TvT event. Every 2 hours. Full buffs and MP are allowed.

- No clan penalties.

- Time that takes to delete character from account - 10 minutes.




More information on website www.l2lunarion.com


Cya ya there!


Actually, it's not decided yet. We stated that there will be no open beta, but now thinking to open server in beta mode for few days before the opening. All  information will be updated on website firstly.


i hope farming zones will be extended, to more places, because there is tons of servers with 2-3 zones. Just think about reworking existing quests (changing rewards), etc.


I disagree.


Tell me any reason why to make many farm zones? If we do so, then all the action is spread and people needs to port around in order to find PvP.


Quests? In my opinion, Lineage 2 quests are most boring things in this game.







I disagree.


Tell me any reason why to make many farm zones? If we do so, then all the action is spread and people needs to port around in order to find PvP.


Quests? In my opinion, Lineage 2 quests are most boring things in this game.






because when there is only 1 farm zone - it becomes even bigger grindage than low rate servers, because of huge monotony. In low rates - you constantly change farming zones. And whats the funny thing - in most "high rates" it takes even longer to catch up old players, than in low rates.

And one more thing - in one zone almost no one flags (only those who is overgeared).

It should be divided at least to 10 zones, not to get boring of same mobs and environment  all the time.


Sorry, but you have to read features first. All epic zones, Party farm zone is already set to be auto PvP zone. So either way everyone will have to fight for best drops and epic jewels. You can be sure to experience non stop PvP going on.


I only agree with monotony idea. I had already planned to change main farming zones every month or so, just haven't added it on features list yet. But as for now, think as I accepted your suggestion about rotating farm zones.




Sorry, but you have to read features first. All epic zones, Party farm zone is already set to be auto PvP zone. So either way everyone will have to fight for best drops and epic jewels. You can be sure to experience non stop PvP going on.


I only agree with monotony idea. I had already planned to change main farming zones every month or so, just haven't added it on features list yet. But as for now, think as I accepted your suggestion about rotating farm zones.



maybe my post was a little bit angry  ^^

but i liked system, that weapons\armors won't break. But have you thought about summoners in oly? They won't be able to do anything against +25/30 equipment. Or enchants in oly will be set to low?


now i thought - summoner will need mage gun +30 with augment, he will have transfer dmg. Maybe he can do a thing like that :)


also i can really understand how some will make +30 weapon...after +15 30%...after +20 20% and after +25 10%...noway to make +30 in less than a year...exept from donation or corruption!


lol, people still make +15 skill enchants in interlude servers and they really do have less than 1% chance total to do it. Why not do Your weapon +30 on that server? It doesn't seem to be "that" hard.


good luck anyways

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