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Graphic me photoshop


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An einai kaneis pou na pianoun ta xeria tou apo photoshop, as postarei ena graphic me ta parakatw xaraktiristika.


  • Na exei ta grammata TSL
  • Diastaseis tetoies wste na exei prooptiki na typwthei kai na kolithei se porta  ;D

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E oxi kai toso terastio opws afisa. Kati metrio. As poume embado oso 2 A4 xartia.

Twra apo style, kati se modern, fantasy klp. Vale esy oti mporeis kai tha doume...

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lipon tora dimiourgo kk ^.^ katalaba 8a ftiaxo kana 3 kai apofasizeis..

eftaseee!8a to kano edit ..

p.s. xromata evala mple mauro me ligo axno kokkino vasika 8a to dis .. 8a kano diafora




ta ipolipa erxontai avrio gt feugo tora.. 

ekana oti mporousa den ime kai toso pr0 sto photoshop aplos an 8es alla xromata kai alla styl pesmou 8a ftiaxo ales 2 avrio..

Erxontai kiales tomorowww!















pfffffffffffff me imageshack den anevenan kai perimena kai misi ora sa -beep- eleos i mia ine 8.5 mbs giauto .. telika to ekana me rapidshare soz..den ipirxe ali lisi


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Ksexases kati vasiko...


  • Na exei ta grammata TSL<-

  • Diastaseis tetoies wste na exei prooptiki na typwthei kai na kolithei se porta  ;D


Apo ta panw, to 2o mou arese  ;D

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Edw eftiaksa merikes pics, einai kaloytsikes...(den diathesa kai poly wra :P):


1st: http://i28.tinypic.com/29yfiur.jpg


2nd: http://i30.tinypic.com/2miafc.jpg


3rd: http://i27.tinypic.com/dwyvd5.jpg


4th: http://i27.tinypic.com/11bn3oz.jpg


Proswpika protimw tis 2 teleftaies :D

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8a ftiakso ego kai 8a kanw to post mou edit molis ta kanw!


Sssst mystiko :D


Apo ta parapanw to 3o m arese kai ligo to 4o. Prospathiste ta grammata na enswmatonontai perisotero sto graphic kai ennoeitai me alli gramatoseira pio periergi, oxi toso aplo. Grammatoseira na thymizei graphiti apo tin mia kai apo tin alli na diavazetai kiolas :P


PS: Ekana kai ena edit ta post gia na min argei na fortwsei i selida  8)

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hmm xexasa ta gramata o malakas anyway simera ixa poli diavasma kai meta efiga ligo anixa to pc opote apo avrio na perimenis 8a tis kano kai edit me kamia oraia stylati gramatosira ..


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Wraia mexri twra, prospathise na kaneis na xanontai perisotero ta grammata mesa sto graphic. Episis des kai kana graphic me thema vouna, thalassa klp i kana modern, fantasy klp...

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Vasika...kai ta 3 teleftaia itan kathara fantasy, tespa variemai na ftiaksw ki alles, ama exw xrono kai de variemai mporei na ftiaksw ki alles kai na kanw edit ayto to post...


EDIT: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th,

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LOOOOL...kala kathisa kai vrika toses pics apo internet kai telika soy arese i MONI poy eftiaksa monos moy...Eleos...otan vrw xrono argotera tha allaksw to font tis i tha tonisw tin idia font...kanontas edit ayto to post...


EDIT: 11 Original, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 11g.

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