geia sas meta apo para polu kairo skepshs apofasisame me kati paidia na ftia3oume ton diko mas l2off server. Katalh3ame ston l2off anti gia l2j gia pollous logous tous opoious fadazomai tha gnwrizete. L2J kai l2off gnwrizw ti einai, eimai pexths tou l2 edw kai 6 xronia(1 xrono ce l2j, 1 xrono ston official kai 4xronia ce l2off private) kai pistevw oti exw arketh paixtikh peira. Apo server twra dn exw asxolhthei na kanw tn diko m pote. Giauto tha hthela na mathw ta e3hs:
1) Apo pou borw na 3ekinhsw kai pws tha proxwrhsw?(dwste mou ta post p m sustinete)
2) Exw 3 pc ek twn opoion to 1 einai statheros alla palios, o deuteros einai laptop kai o 3os einai toubano kai o monos p ipostirizei server gia l2 standart. Epd ton xreiazomai gia polles douleies an kai borei na tis kanei to laptop alla oxi se teteio epipedo tha hthela na 3erw: An 3ekinhsw tn svr sto pc auto meta an agorasw ena kainourio ginete na metaferw ta dedomena me asfaleia?
3) Poia kai posa einai ta e3oda gia enan l2off svr?
4) As poume oti exw ftia3ei tn vasikh database, meta pws ginete na valw diks m rythmiseis, p.x dika custom npc, na diagrafw h' na prostetw kathgories pragmatwn sta npc, na peirazw ligo ta skills, ta enchant, ta rates, ta spawns, ta zones k.lp.....
Elpizw na egina katanohtos kai na apadhsete, ama 3exasa kati tha to syblhrwsw. Elpizw ama mou lythoun oi apories kai pan ola kala na ginei enas oraios svr. Gnwrizw oti yparxoyn polu svr ekei e3w mono p tha frodhsw na exw prototipes idees kai exoume skeftei me ta paidia ena pl prototypo "concept" p dn iparxei c allon svr gia ta gear kai ta opla kai pistevw tha exei plaka. Tha kanoume oso poio sovarh douleia ginete. Oso gia tn pelateia auto einai to eukolotero exoume ta metra mas! To mono p mas anusuxei einai ta e3oda kai to pososto epituxeias alla tha exoume kai voitheia apo eidikous. Arkei vevaia na mas voithisete kai eseis gia ta prwta mas vhmata. Eyxaristw! :)
sorry, here it is. Can you add this to original post?
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Hello dear developers and MXC Community.
I have the following problem with running L2OFF.
So everything is already done, i will attach pictures to the topic, maybe someone will help me out, with what i could made wrong.
I'm currently trying to run the server "LOCAL".
Every file i had of SQL, i've upload step by step, 1 by 1 in they're order.
OK, done with this.
1) Database
AuthD Working.
2) AuthDServer
CacheD also seems to work.
3 ) CacheD
4) L2Server
Login server window
If i'm correct, if i would make something wrong before, i wouldn't see server info, and log server.
So here we are.
Server Opened - Log working - everything working, look the images.
1) Server Login Window
2) Server Login Win [ Light] 0
3) Charachter created
And here is the thing, like i said before, like by me everything if fine, but the server say to me another ..... anyone got any clue why i got Crit error ?
Critical Error Message
If anyone got any clue, help me out with this.
Wish you the best.
geia sas meta apo para polu kairo skepshs apofasisame me kati paidia na ftia3oume ton diko mas l2off server. Katalh3ame ston l2off anti gia l2j gia pollous logous tous opoious fadazomai tha gnwrizete. L2J kai l2off gnwrizw ti einai, eimai pexths tou l2 edw kai 6 xronia(1 xrono ce l2j, 1 xrono ston official kai 4xronia ce l2off private) kai pistevw oti exw arketh paixtikh peira. Apo server twra dn exw asxolhthei na kanw tn diko m pote. Giauto tha hthela na mathw ta e3hs:
1) Apo pou borw na 3ekinhsw kai pws tha proxwrhsw?(dwste mou ta post p m sustinete)
2) Exw 3 pc ek twn opoion to 1 einai statheros alla palios, o deuteros einai laptop kai o 3os einai toubano kai o monos p ipostirizei server gia l2 standart. Epd ton xreiazomai gia polles douleies an kai borei na tis kanei to laptop alla oxi se teteio epipedo tha hthela na 3erw: An 3ekinhsw tn svr sto pc auto meta an agorasw ena kainourio ginete na metaferw ta dedomena me asfaleia?
3) Poia kai posa einai ta e3oda gia enan l2off svr?
4) As poume oti exw ftia3ei tn vasikh database, meta pws ginete na valw diks m rythmiseis, p.x dika custom npc, na diagrafw h' na prostetw kathgories pragmatwn sta npc, na peirazw ligo ta skills, ta enchant, ta rates, ta spawns, ta zones k.lp.....
Elpizw na egina katanohtos kai na apadhsete, ama 3exasa kati tha to syblhrwsw. Elpizw ama mou lythoun oi apories kai pan ola kala na ginei enas oraios svr. Gnwrizw oti yparxoyn polu svr ekei e3w mono p tha frodhsw na exw prototipes idees kai exoume skeftei me ta paidia ena pl prototypo "concept" p dn iparxei c allon svr gia ta gear kai ta opla kai pistevw tha exei plaka. Tha kanoume oso poio sovarh douleia ginete. Oso gia tn pelateia auto einai to eukolotero exoume ta metra mas! To mono p mas anusuxei einai ta e3oda kai to pososto epituxeias alla tha exoume kai voitheia apo eidikous. Arkei vevaia na mas voithisete kai eseis gia ta prwta mas vhmata. Eyxaristw! :)
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