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It is necessary to have access to gild to bank. A principle here in what: 2 players from 1 guild to gild approach bank. The first player searches in bank What that stack (for example for bullets or arrows of 200 pieces). Then it is direct in bank Clamps shift and on stack. At It to appear the tablet How many pieces to separate from stack bullets or arrows. The player chooses 1 piece or pulls a mousy in What that

but not click on a mousy so that 1 arrow or a bullet did not become in slot and is simple ovisela on the cursor. Then the player 2 takes any item which wants дюпнуть and draws it in the same slot Where

the player 1 wishes to put a bullet or an arrow (1шт). Then both of the player simultaneously during 1 moment of time lay down ети things (1 bullet or an arrow and that item which want dupe) in 1 slot and ready. Item which you wish dupe to lay down in this slot and quantity any more 1 and 2. To turn out such original стак from 2 things. You take also Shift separate 1 item from ругой and lay down beside. As a result we have spent 1 bullet (or an arrow) and have received copy  item identical to those That copied. Do further that want. It has worked on Mangos v 2.3.3

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