EvadeTube Posted May 22, 2011 Posted May 22, 2011 Hey Guys When i go from the Giran Harbor to the NPC where i talk for the zaken day time nighttime something like that Therese doing nothing here is the script /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package ai.individual.grandboss; import java.util.logging.Logger; import ai.group_template.L2AttackableAIScript; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.GameTimeController; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.DoorTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Effect; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Attackable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2GrandBossInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2BossZone; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; /** * Zaken AI * */ public class Zaken extends L2AttackableAIScript { private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Zaken.class.getName()); private int _1001 = 0; // Used for first cancel of QuestTimer "1001" private int _ai0 = 0; // Used for zaken coords updater private int _ai1 = 0; // Used for X coord tracking for non-random teleporting in zaken's self teleport skill private int _ai2 = 0; // Used for Y coord tracking for non-random teleporting in zaken's self teleport skill private int _ai3 = 0; // Used for Z coord tracking for non-random teleporting in zaken's self teleport skill private int _ai4 = 0; // Used for spawning minions cycles private int _quest0 = 0; // Used for teleporting progress private int _quest1 = 0; // Used for most hated players progress private int _quest2 = 0; // Used for zaken HP check for teleport private L2PcInstance c_quest0 = null; // 1st player used for area teleport private L2PcInstance c_quest1 = null; // 2nd player used for area teleport private L2PcInstance c_quest2 = null; // 3rd player used for area teleport private L2PcInstance c_quest3 = null; // 4th player used for area teleport private L2PcInstance c_quest4 = null; // 5th player used for area teleport private static final int ZAKEN = 29022; private static final int doll_blader_b = 29023; private static final int vale_master_b = 29024; private static final int pirates_zombie_captain_b = 29026; private static final int pirates_zombie_b = 29027; private static final int[] Xcoords = { 53950, 55980, 54950, 55970, 53930, 55970, 55980, 54960, 53950, 53930, 55970, 55980, 54960, 53950, 53930 }; private static final int[] Ycoords = { 219860, 219820, 218790, 217770, 217760, 217770, 219920, 218790, 219860, 217760, 217770, 219920, 218790, 219860, 217760 }; private static final int[] Zcoords = { -3488, -3488, -3488, -3488, -3488, -3216, -3216, -3216, -3216, -3216, -2944, -2944, -2944, -2944, -2944 }; // ZAKEN Status Tracking : private static final byte ALIVE = 0; // Zaken is spawned. private static final byte DEAD = 1; // Zaken has been killed. private static L2BossZone _Zone; public Zaken(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); _Zone = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getZone(55312, 219168, -3223); // Zaken doors handling ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (GameTimeController.getInstance().getInGameHour() == 0) { _Zone.allowPlayersEntry(true); DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(21240006).openMe(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { DoorTable.getInstance().getDoor(21240006).closeMe(); _Zone.allowPlayersEntry(false); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.warning("Cannot close door ID: 21240006 " + e); } } }, 300000L); } } catch (Throwable e) { _log.warning("Cannot open door ID: 21240006 " + e); } } }, 2000L, 600000L); int[] mobs = { ZAKEN, doll_blader_b, vale_master_b, pirates_zombie_captain_b, pirates_zombie_b }; registerMobs(mobs, true, true, false, true, true, true, true); StatsSet info = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatsSet(ZAKEN); int status = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(ZAKEN); if (status == DEAD) { // Load the unlock date and time for zaken from DB long temp = info.getLong("respawn_time") - System.currentTimeMillis(); // If zaken is locked until a certain time, mark it so and start the unlock timer // The unlock time has not yet expired. if (temp > 0) startQuestTimer("zaken_unlock", temp, null, null); else { // The time has already expired while the server was offline. // Immediately spawn zaken. L2GrandBossInstance zaken = (L2GrandBossInstance) addSpawn(ZAKEN, 55312, 219168, -3223, 0, false, 0); GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(ZAKEN, ALIVE); _Zone.oustAllPlayers(); spawnBoss(zaken); } } else { int loc_x = info.getInteger("loc_x"); int loc_y = info.getInteger("loc_y"); int loc_z = info.getInteger("loc_z"); int heading = info.getInteger("heading"); int hp = info.getInteger("currentHP"); int mp = info.getInteger("currentMP"); L2GrandBossInstance zaken = (L2GrandBossInstance) addSpawn(ZAKEN, loc_x, loc_y, loc_z, heading, false, 0); zaken.setCurrentHpMp(hp, mp); _Zone.oustAllPlayers(); spawnBoss(zaken); } } public void spawnBoss(L2GrandBossInstance npc) { if (npc == null) { _log.warning("Zaken AI failed to load, missing Zaken in grandboss_data.sql"); return; } GrandBossManager.getInstance().addBoss(npc); npc.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "BS01_A", 1, npc.getObjectId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ())); _ai0 = 0; _ai1 = npc.getX(); _ai2 = npc.getY(); _ai3 = npc.getZ(); _quest0 = 0; _quest1 = 0; _quest2 = 3; if (_Zone == null) { _log.warning("Zaken AI failed to load, missing zone for Zaken"); return; } if (_Zone.isInsideZone(npc)) { _ai4 = 1; startQuestTimer("1003", 1700, null, null, true); } _1001 = 1; startQuestTimer("1001", 1000, npc, null, true); // Buffs, random teleports } public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { int status = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(ZAKEN); if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("oust_players")) { _Zone.oustAllPlayers(); } if (status == DEAD && !event.equalsIgnoreCase("zaken_unlock")) return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player); if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1001")) { if (_1001 == 1) { _1001 = 0; cancelQuestTimer("1001", npc, null); } int sk_4223 = 0; int sk_4227 = 0; L2Effect[] effects = npc.getAllEffects(); if (effects != null && effects.length != 0) { for (L2Effect e : effects) { if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4227) { sk_4227 = 1; } if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4223) { sk_4223 = 1; } } } if (GameTimeController.getInstance().getInGameHour() < 5) { if (sk_4223 == 1) // Use night face if zaken have day face { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4224, 1)); _ai1 = npc.getX(); _ai2 = npc.getY(); _ai3 = npc.getZ(); } if (sk_4227 == 0) // Use zaken regeneration { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4227, 1)); } if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _ai0 == 0) { int i0 = 0; int i1 = 1; if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { if ((((((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getX() - _ai1) * (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getX() - _ai1)) + ((((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getY() - _ai2) * (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated().getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; if (_quest0 > 0) { if (c_quest0 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest0.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest0.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest0.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest0.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 1) { if (c_quest1 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest1.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest1.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest1.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest1.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 2) { if (c_quest2 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest2.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest2.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest2.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest2.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 3) { if (c_quest3 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest3.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest3.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest3.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest3.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (_quest0 > 4) { if (c_quest4 == null) i0 = 0; else if ((((c_quest4.getX() - _ai1) * (c_quest4.getX() - _ai1)) + ((c_quest4.getY() - _ai2) * (c_quest4.getY() - _ai2))) > (1500 * 1500)) i0 = 1; else i0 = 0; if (i0 == 0) i1 = 0; } if (i1 == 1) { _quest0 = 0; int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(20) < 1 && _ai0 == 0) { _ai1 = npc.getX(); _ai2 = npc.getY(); _ai3 = npc.getZ(); } L2Character c_ai0 = null; if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _quest1 == 0) { if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { c_ai0 = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); _quest1 = 1; } } else if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK && _quest1 != 0) { if (((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated() != null) { if (c_ai0 == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { _quest1 = (_quest1 + 1); } else { _quest1 = 1; c_ai0 = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); } } } if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE) { _quest1 = 0; } if (_quest1 > 5) { ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_ai0); L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); _quest1 = 0; } } else if (sk_4223 == 0) // Use day face if not night time { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4223, 1)); _quest2 = 3; } if (sk_4227 == 1) // When switching to day time, cancel zaken night regen { npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4242, 1)); } if (Rnd.get(40) < 1) { int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } startQuestTimer("1001", 30000, npc, null, true); } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1002")) { _quest0 = 0; npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); _ai0 = 0; } if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("1003")) { if (_ai4 == 1) { int rr = Rnd.get(15); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, Xcoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[rr], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 2; } else if (_ai4 == 2) { int rr = Rnd.get(15); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, Xcoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[rr] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[rr], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 3; } else if (_ai4 == 3) { Quote
0 EvadeTube Posted May 22, 2011 Author Posted May 22, 2011 addSpawn(vale_master_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 4; } else if (_ai4 == 4) { addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, Xcoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[Rnd.get(15)] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[Rnd.get(15)], Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 5; } else if (_ai4 == 5) { addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52675, 219371, -3290, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52687, 219596, -3368, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 52672, 219740, -3418, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 52857, 219992, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 52959, 219997, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 53381, 220151, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 57113, 218079, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56186, 217153, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 6; } else if (_ai4 == 6) { addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 53412, 218077, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54413, 217132, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54841, 217132, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55372, 217128, -3343, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55893, 217122, -3488, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56282, 217237, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56963, 218080, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54464, 219095, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 7; } else if (_ai4 == 7) { addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54228, 217504, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54181, 217168, -3216, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54714, 217123, -3168, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55298, 217127, -3073, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 55787, 217130, -2993, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56284, 217216, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56963, 218080, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 56267, 218826, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56294, 219482, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 56094, 219113, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 56364, 218967, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 56276, 220783, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 57173, 220234, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54885, 220144, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55264, 219860, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55399, 220263, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55679, 220129, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54236, 220948, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54464, 219095, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54226, 218797, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(vale_master_b, 54394, 219067, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54139, 219253, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(doll_blader_b, 54262, 219480, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 53412, 218077, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 54280, 217200, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55440, 218081, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_captain_b, 55202, 217940, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 55225, 218236, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); addSpawn(pirates_zombie_b, 54973, 218075, -2944, Rnd.get(65536), false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); _ai4 = 8; cancelQuestTimer("1003", null, null); } } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("zaken_unlock")) { L2GrandBossInstance zaken = (L2GrandBossInstance) addSpawn(ZAKEN, 55312, 219168, -3223, 0, false, 0); GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(ZAKEN, ALIVE); _Zone.oustAllPlayers(); spawnBoss(zaken); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("CreateOnePrivateEx")) { addSpawn(npc.getNpcId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), 0, false, 0).setIsRaidMinion(true); } return super.onAdvEvent(event, npc, player); } public String onFactionCall(L2Npc npc, L2Npc caller, L2PcInstance attacker, boolean isPet) { if (caller == null || npc == null) return super.onFactionCall(npc, caller, attacker, isPet); int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); int callerId = caller.getNpcId(); if (GameTimeController.getInstance().getInGameHour() < 5 && callerId != ZAKEN && npcId == ZAKEN) { int damage = 0; // Well damage required :x if (npc.getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE && _ai0 == 0 && damage < 10 && Rnd.get((30 * 15)) < 1) // TODO - damage missing { _ai0 = 1; _ai1 = caller.getX(); _ai2 = caller.getY(); _ai3 = caller.getZ(); startQuestTimer("1002", 300, caller, null); } } return super.onFactionCall(npc, caller, attacker, isPet); } public String onSpellFinished(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, L2Skill skill) { if (npc.getNpcId() == ZAKEN) { int skillId = skill.getId(); if (skillId == 4222) { npc.teleToLocation(_ai1, _ai2, _ai3); npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); } else if (skillId == 4216) { int i1 = Rnd.get(15); player.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(player); L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); } else if (skillId == 4217) { int i0 = 0; int i1 = Rnd.get(15); player.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(player); if (c_quest0 != null && _quest0 > 0 && c_quest0 != player && c_quest0.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest0.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest0.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest0.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest0.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest0.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { i1 = Rnd.get(15); c_quest0.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest0); } } if (c_quest1 != null && _quest0 > 1 && c_quest1 != player && c_quest1.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest1.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest1.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest1.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest1.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest1.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { i1 = Rnd.get(15); c_quest1.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest1); } } if (c_quest2 != null && _quest0 > 2 && c_quest2 != player && c_quest2.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest2.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest2.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest2.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest2.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest2.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { i1 = Rnd.get(15); c_quest2.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest2); } } if (c_quest3 != null && _quest0 > 3 && c_quest3 != player && c_quest3.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest3.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest3.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest3.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest3.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest3.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { i1 = Rnd.get(15); c_quest3.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest3); } } if (c_quest4 != null && _quest0 > 4 && c_quest4 != player && c_quest4.getZ() > (player.getZ() - 100) && c_quest4.getZ() < (player.getZ() + 100)) { if ((((c_quest4.getX() - player.getX()) * (c_quest4.getX() - player.getX())) + ((c_quest4.getY() - player.getY()) * (c_quest4.getY() - player.getY()))) > (250 * 250)) { i0 = 1; } else { i0 = 0; } if (i0 == 0) { i1 = Rnd.get(15); c_quest4.teleToLocation(Xcoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Ycoords[i1] + Rnd.get(650), Zcoords[i1]); ((L2Attackable) npc).stopHating(c_quest4); } } L2Character nextTarget = ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated(); if (nextTarget != null) npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, nextTarget); } } return super.onSpellFinished(npc, player, skill); } public String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { if (attacker.getSummonManagement().getMountType() == 1) { int sk_4258 = 0; L2Effect[] effects = attacker.getAllEffects(); if (effects != null && effects.length != 0) { for (L2Effect e : effects) { if (e.getSkill().getId() == 4258) { sk_4258 = 1; } } } if (sk_4258 == 0) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4258, 1)); } } L2Character originalAttacker = isPet ? attacker.getPet() : attacker; int hate = (int) (((damage / npc.getMaxHp()) / 0.05) * 20000); ((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(originalAttacker, 0, hate); if (Rnd.get(10) < 1) { int i0 = Rnd.get((15 * 15)); if (i0 < 1) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4216, 1)); } else if (i0 < 2) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4217, 1)); } else if (i0 < 4) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4219, 1)); } else if (i0 < 8) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4218, 1)); } else if (i0 < 15) { for (L2Character character : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(100)) { if (character != attacker) continue; if (attacker != ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4221, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(2) < 1) { if (attacker == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(attacker); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4220, 1)); } } } if (GameTimeController.getInstance().getInGameHour() < 5) { } else if (npc.getCurrentHp() < ((npc.getMaxHp() * _quest2) / 4)) { _quest2 = (_quest2 - 1); int i2 = Rnd.get(15); _ai1 = Xcoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai2 = Ycoords[i2] + Rnd.get(650); _ai3 = Zcoords[i2]; npc.setTarget(npc); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4222, 1)); } } return super.onAttack(npc, attacker, damage, isPet); } public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { npc.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(1, "BS02_D", 1, npc.getObjectId(), npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ())); GrandBossManager.getInstance().setBossStatus(ZAKEN, DEAD); // Time is 36hour +/- 17hour long respawnTime = (Config.ZAKEN_RESPAWN_TIME + Rnd.get(Config.ZAKEN_RESPAWN_RANDOM)); startQuestTimer("zaken_unlock", respawnTime, null, null); cancelQuestTimer("1001", npc, null); cancelQuestTimer("1003", npc, null); // Also save the respawn time so that the info is maintained past reboots StatsSet info = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatsSet(ZAKEN); info.set("respawn_time", System.currentTimeMillis() + respawnTime); GrandBossManager.getInstance().setStatsSet(ZAKEN, info); this.startQuestTimer("oust_players", 1800000, null, null); } else if (GrandBossManager.getInstance().getBossStatus(ZAKEN) == ALIVE) { if (npcId != ZAKEN) { startQuestTimer("CreateOnePrivateEx", ((30 + Rnd.get(60)) * 1000), npc, null); } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isPet); } public String onSkillSee(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance caster, L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { if (skill.getAggroPoints() > 0) { ((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(caster, 0, (((skill.getAggroPoints() / npc.getMaxHp()) * 10) * 150)); } if (Rnd.get(12) < 1) { int i0 = Rnd.get((15 * 15)); if (i0 < 1) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4216, 1)); } else if (i0 < 2) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4217, 1)); } else if (i0 < 4) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4219, 1)); } else if (i0 < 8) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4218, 1)); } else if (i0 < 15) { for (L2Character character : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(100)) { if (character != caster) continue; if (caster != ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4221, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(2) < 1) { if (caster == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(caster); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4220, 1)); } } } } return super.onSkillSee(npc, caster, skill, targets, isPet); } public String onAggroRangeEnter(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { int npcId = npc.getNpcId(); if (npcId == ZAKEN) { if (_Zone.isInsideZone(npc)) { L2Character target = isPet ? player.getPet() : player; ((L2Attackable) npc).addDamageHate(target, 1, 200); } if (player.getZ() > (npc.getZ() - 100) && player.getZ() < (npc.getZ() + 100)) { if (_quest0 < 5 && Rnd.get(3) < 1) { if (_quest0 == 0) { c_quest0 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 1) { c_quest1 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 2) { c_quest2 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 3) { c_quest3 = player; } else if (_quest0 == 4) { c_quest4 = player; } _quest0++; } if (Rnd.get(15) < 1) { int i0 = Rnd.get((15 * 15)); if (i0 < 1) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4216, 1)); } else if (i0 < 2) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4217, 1)); } else if (i0 < 4) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4219, 1)); } else if (i0 < 8) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4218, 1)); } else if (i0 < 15) { for (L2Character character : npc.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(100)) { if (character != player) continue; if (player != ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4221, 1)); } } } if (Rnd.get(2) < 1) { if (player == ((L2Attackable) npc).getMostHated()) { npc.setTarget(player); npc.doCast(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4220, 1)); } } } } } return super.onAggroRangeEnter(npc, player, isPet); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Now call the constructor (starts up the ai) new Zaken(-1, "zaken", "ai"); } } Quote
0 FighterBoss Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 Any errors on gs console? It could help us much more if you tell us btw it would be better to use tag [code ] Quote
0 EvadeTube Posted May 25, 2011 Author Posted May 25, 2011 Any errors on gs console? It could help us much more if you tell us btw it would be better to use tag [code ] The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (25000 characters). No Error's in console i just get this in game Quote
Hey Guys When i go from the Giran Harbor to the NPC where i talk for the zaken day time nighttime something like that Therese doing nothing
here is the script
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