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Nigga stop spamm this topic.


It's only your opinion.

I don't have admin there, the pack is from l2tron yes but is big difference. So stop please because there is an admin who try his best to solve all what players need.


Be nice and stop spam or i will talk to someone for warning you. Ok?


NIGHTY BATTER DELETE SERVER MAN CHANGE STUN AGUMENT IS BUG  1 SEC HIT ME 100 OR 200 HIT AND SKILL IS 100% look player nick sos and man pls 1 days go and fix all skill light strike anchor is 100% fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff man fix server or delete !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Nigga stop spamm this topic.


It's only your opinion.

I don't have admin there, the pack is from l2tron yes but is big difference. So stop please because there is an admin who try his best to solve all what players need.


Be nice and stop spam or i will talk to someone for warning you. Ok?

Nigga is right. Why do you sell/make new server with l2tron(l2jfrozen) pack when this pack is full bugged?

And if I ask you to tell me the difference, I tell them?I say you will:


2.New GateKeeper

3.New Buffer

4.All NPC Changed

but core/datapack its same, so does it fail

How you gonna lie to people?


Omfg..are u thinking what u just say???

All servers wich use L2jfrozen are almost same :))))

Jeeeessus..guys use your brain :|

It's a different server stop fc**ng writing here. If u don't play don't post sh*ts about it!!!

There are alot of servers which use l2jfrozen pack, but that doesn't mean they are same. LOLED! :)


Who want to see just go and try it :P


And nigga better delete your mxc account :) better idea :D


good server me ass valor 1 min reuse 1 h miracle reuse 4 min  buffer give all class bersck dagger tank  buffer dont have all buff  titan and gladator no fix  % p atk from war cry and rage  20 k p atk titan archer gs have 13k p atk  dyn bow and dagger 200 critkal full buff  curse anybis 100% and 4 min  heavy set 1k atk speed light  1500 atk speed and heavy give + 500+800 p def + and p atk light and heavy same tank  class noob ww and gh all time critkal skill give th give 30 hit 3 critkal skill  so server and curupted and bug wh bug phx and trade work suckme get all items  SOS  is gm chater he say me ban me  for kill him and he is play saggi oly and walord class in rank list server oly ... so server very good

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