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[Share] Captcha Antibot System [Updated 17.6.2011, Version 2] [Please LOCK IT .]

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no errors in console i get this



the data/captcha only contains captcha/png what is the problem? using l2j hi5


Same problem i was talking about! Can someone fix pls? :)

no errors in console i get this




I have been getting this also and I have people complaining that the ANTIBOT System is lagging the server. The window will popup and freeze the server and they can't enter the code and it start to happen after I change  to version 2. When the lag happen because of the system they can't enter the code and get jailed.



I have been getting this also and I have people complaining that the ANTIBOT System is lagging the server. The window will popup and freeze the server and they can't enter the code and it start to happen after I change  to version 2. When the lag happen because of the system they can't enter the code and get jailed.



Are we serious? -_- ...


Let me check if i forgot to add smthing on the patches, but im preety sure that i have added everything.


Are we serious? -_- ...


Let me check if i forgot to add smthing on the patches, but im preety sure that i have added everything.


Hey Brother I Think I found out why the captcha was not send at least on my server, I had A unclosed connection on my buffer and it was freezing the server for a few seconds and when it happen at the same time as the pop up window with the captcha, it was messing the AntiBot.


But I was running some tests because 2 people said they got jailed for no reason for 360 minutes (thats the jail time for Bots in my server), and I went out to kill some mobs and when the captcha window popped I enter the code wrong 3 times and got sent to jail for 1 minute (jail time for entering the wrong code), here is the problem, when I come out of jail I was still paralized and after 3 minutes It send me back to jail, this time for 360 minutes.


We need to fix the code to clean itself after player come out of jail for typing the wrong code.


Thank you.






You miss this in 2 places in Antibot.java and in 1 place in Captcha.java


also on captcha java you have a return false and it is supposed to be return true; (almost on the end)


here is the Anibot.java fixed


package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.dds.DDSConverter;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import com.l2jserver.Config;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PledgeCrest;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.skills.AbnormalEffect;
* @author Pipiou211
public class Antibot implements IVoicedCommandHandler
private static final String[] _voicedCommands = { "antibot" };

public static StringBuilder finalString = new StringBuilder();
NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5);
private static BufferedImage generateCaptcha()
   Color textColor = new Color(98, 213, 43);
   Color circleColor = new Color(98, 213, 43);
   Font textFont = new Font("comic sans ms", Font.BOLD, 24);
   int charsToPrint = 5;
   int width = 256;
   int height = 64;
   int circlesToDraw = 8;
   float horizMargin = 20.0f;
   double rotationRange = 0.7; // this is radians
   BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

   Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();

   //Draw an oval
   g.setColor(new Color(30,31,31));
   g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

   // lets make some noisey circles
   for ( int i = 0; i < circlesToDraw; i++ ) {
     int circleRadius = (int) (Math.random() * height / 2.0);
     int circleX = (int) (Math.random() * width - circleRadius);
     int circleY = (int) (Math.random() * height - circleRadius);
     g.drawOval(circleX, circleY, circleRadius * 2, circleRadius * 2);


   FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
   int maxAdvance = fontMetrics.getMaxAdvance();
   int fontHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
   // Suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   // i removed 1 and l and i because there are confusing to users...
   // Z, z, and N also get confusing when rotated
   // 0, O, and o are also confusing...
   // lowercase G looks a lot like a 9 so i killed it
   // this should ideally be done for every language...
   // i like controlling the characters though because it helps prevent confusion
   // So recommended chars are:
   // String elegibleChars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMPQRSTUVWXYabcdefhjkmnpqrstuvwxy23456789";
   // Suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   String elegibleChars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMPQRSTUVWXYZ";
   char[] chars = elegibleChars.toCharArray();

   float spaceForLetters = -horizMargin * 2 + width;
   float spacePerChar = spaceForLetters / (charsToPrint - 1.0f);

   for ( int i = 0; i < charsToPrint; i++ ) {
     double randomValue = Math.random();
     int randomIndex = (int) Math.round(randomValue * (chars.length - 1));
     char characterToShow = chars[randomIndex];

     // this is a separate canvas used for the character so that
     // we can rotate it independently
     int charWidth = fontMetrics.charWidth(characterToShow);
     int charDim = Math.max(maxAdvance, fontHeight);
     int halfCharDim = (charDim / 2);

     BufferedImage charImage = new BufferedImage(charDim, charDim, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
     Graphics2D charGraphics = charImage.createGraphics();
     charGraphics.translate(halfCharDim, halfCharDim);
     double angle = (Math.random() - 0.5) * rotationRange;

     int charX = (int) (0.5 * charDim - 0.5 * charWidth);
     charGraphics.drawString("" + characterToShow, charX, 
                            ((charDim - fontMetrics.getAscent()) 
                                   / 2 + fontMetrics.getAscent()));

     float x = horizMargin + spacePerChar * (i) - charDim / 2.0f;
     int y = ((height - charDim) / 2);
     g.drawImage(charImage, (int) x, y, charDim, charDim, null, null);


	return bufferedImage;

public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("antibot") && target != null)
	StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(target);
		String newpass = null, repeatnewpass = null;
		if (st.hasMoreTokens())
			newpass = st.nextToken();
			repeatnewpass = activeChar.getCode();

		if (!(newpass == null || repeatnewpass == null))
			if (newpass.equals(repeatnewpass))//Right:)
				npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Correct Captcha.<br><br></font><center><br><button value=\"Exit\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest\" width=45 height=25 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></body></html>");
				return false;

		if (!newpass.equals(repeatnewpass))//Wrong
			if (activeChar.getTries() > 1)
			activeChar.setTries(activeChar.getTries() -1);
			//Random image file name
			int imgId = IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();
			//Convertion from .png to .dds, and crest packed send
				File captcha = new File("data/captcha/captcha.png");    
				ImageIO.write(generateCaptcha(), "png", captcha);
				PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); //Convertion to DDS where is antybot
			catch (Exception e)
			//Paralyze, abnormal effect, invul, html with captcha output and start of the 1 min counter
			adminReply.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center>Enter the 5-digits code below and click Confirm.<br><img src=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + imgId + "\" width=256 height=64><br><font color=\"888888\">(There are only english uppercase letters.)</font><br1><font color=\"FF0000\">Tries Left: " + activeChar.getTries() +"</font><br><edit var=\"antibot\" width=110><br><button value=\"Confirm\" action=\"bypass -h voice .antibot $antibot\" width=80 height=26 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>If you close by mistake this window,<br1>you can re-open it by typing \".captcha\" on Chat.<br1>You have 3 minutes to answer or you<br1>will get jailed.<br1>You have 3 tries, if you will<br1>answer wrong to all of them you<br1>will get punished.</center></body></html>");
			finalString.replace(0, 5, "");
			return false;
			//here will run method with jailing player
			npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center><font color=\"FF0000\">You have wasted your Tries.<br><br></font><font color=\"66FF00\"><center></font><font color=\"FF0000\">You will be jailed.</font><br><button value=\"Exit\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest\" width=45 height=25 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></body></html>");
			if (activeChar.isFlyingMounted())
			activeChar.setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.JAIL, 1);
			return false;
			if (activeChar.getTries() > 1)
			activeChar.setTries(activeChar.getTries() -1);
			//Random image file name
			int imgId = IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();
			//Convertion from .png to .dds, and crest packed send
				File captcha = new File("data/captcha/captcha.png");    
				ImageIO.write(generateCaptcha(), "png", captcha);
				PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); //Convertion to DDS where is antybot
			catch (Exception e)
			//Paralyze, abnormal effect, invul, html with captcha output and start of the 1 min counter
			adminReply.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center>Enter the 5-digits code below and click Confirm.<br><img src=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + imgId + "\" width=256 height=64><br><font color=\"888888\">(There are only english uppercase letters.)</font><br1><font color=\"FF0000\">Tries Left: " + activeChar.getTries() +"</font><br><edit var=\"antibot\" width=110><br><button value=\"Confirm\" action=\"bypass -h voice .antibot $antibot\" width=80 height=26 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>If you close by mistake this window,<br1>you can re-open it by typing \".captcha\" on Chat.<br1>You have 3 minutes to answer or you<br1>will get jailed.<br1>You have 3 tries, if you will<br1>answer wrong to all of them you<br1>will get punished.</center></body></html>");
			finalString.replace(0, 5, "");
			return false;
			//here will run method with jailing player
			npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center><font color=\"FF0000\">You have wasted your Tries.<br><br></font><font color=\"66FF00\"><center></font><font color=\"FF0000\">You will be jailed.</font><br><button value=\"Exit\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest\" width=45 height=25 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></body></html>");
			if (activeChar.isFlyingMounted())
			activeChar.setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.JAIL, 1);
			return false;
	catch (Exception e)
		activeChar.sendMessage("A problem occured while adding captcha!");
		_log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e);
	if (activeChar.getTries() > 1)
	activeChar.setTries(activeChar.getTries() -1);
	//Random image file name
	int imgId = IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();
	//Convertion from .png to .dds, and crest packed send
		File captcha = new File("data/captcha/captcha.png");    
		ImageIO.write(generateCaptcha(), "png", captcha);
		PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); //Convertion to DDS where is antybot
	catch (Exception e)
	//Paralyze, abnormal effect, invul, html with captcha output and start of the 1 min counter
	adminReply.setHtml("<html><title></title><body><center>Enter the 5-digits code below and click Confirm.<br><img src=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + imgId + "\" width=256 height=64><br><font color=\"888888\">(There are only english uppercase letters.)</font><br1><font color=\"FF0000\">Tries Left: " + activeChar.getTries() +"</font><br><edit var=\"antibot\" width=110><br><button value=\"Confirm\" action=\"bypass -h voice .antibot $antibot\" width=80 height=26 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>If you close by mistake this window,<br1>you can re-open it by typing \".captcha\" on Chat.<br1>You have 3 minutes to answer or you<br1>will get jailed.<br1>You have 3 tries, if you will<br1>answer wrong to all of them you<br1>will get punished.</center></body></html>");
	finalString.replace(0, 5, "");
	return false;
	//here will run method with jailing player
	npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center><font color=\"FF0000\">You have wasted your Tries.<br><br></font><font color=\"66FF00\"><center></font><font color=\"FF0000\">You will be jailed.</font><br><button value=\"Exit\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest\" width=45 height=25 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></body></html>");
	if (activeChar.isFlyingMounted())
	activeChar.setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.JAIL, 1);
return false;
return true;

public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
return _voicedCommands;



And the Captcha.java fixed


package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.dds.DDSConverter;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import com.l2jserver.Config;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.idfactory.IdFactory;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PledgeCrest;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.skills.AbnormalEffect;

* @author Pipiou211
public class Captcha implements IVoicedCommandHandler //when you click on confirm, also this code is running or something else? this, only, and just //unpara the targetpl
private static final String[] _voicedCommands =

   public static StringBuilder finalString = new StringBuilder();
NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5);
private static BufferedImage generateCaptcha()
	   Color textColor = new Color(98, 213, 43);
	   Color circleColor = new Color(98, 213, 43);
	   Font textFont = new Font("comic sans ms", Font.BOLD, 24);
	   int charsToPrint = 5;
	   int width = 256;
	   int height = 64;
	   int circlesToDraw = 8;
	   float horizMargin = 20.0f;
	   double rotationRange = 0.7; // this is radians
	   BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

	   Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();

	   //Draw an oval
	   g.setColor(new Color(30,31,31));
	   g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

	   // lets make some noisey circles
	   for ( int i = 0; i < circlesToDraw; i++ ) {
	     int circleRadius = (int) (Math.random() * height / 2.0);
	     int circleX = (int) (Math.random() * width - circleRadius);
	     int circleY = (int) (Math.random() * height - circleRadius);
	     g.drawOval(circleX, circleY, circleRadius * 2, circleRadius * 2);


	   FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
	   int maxAdvance = fontMetrics.getMaxAdvance();
	   int fontHeight = fontMetrics.getHeight();
	   // Suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	   // i removed 1 and l and i because there are confusing to users...
	   // Z, z, and N also get confusing when rotated
	   // 0, O, and o are also confusing...
	   // lowercase G looks a lot like a 9 so i killed it
	   // this should ideally be done for every language...
	   // i like controlling the characters though because it helps prevent confusion
	   // So recommended chars are:
	   // String elegibleChars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMPQRSTUVWXYabcdefhjkmnpqrstuvwxy23456789";
	   // Suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------------
	   String elegibleChars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMPQRSTUVWXYZ";
	   char[] chars = elegibleChars.toCharArray();

	   float spaceForLetters = -horizMargin * 2 + width;
	   float spacePerChar = spaceForLetters / (charsToPrint - 1.0f);

	   for ( int i = 0; i < charsToPrint; i++ ) {
	     double randomValue = Math.random();
	     int randomIndex = (int) Math.round(randomValue * (chars.length - 1));
	     char characterToShow = chars[randomIndex];

	     // this is a separate canvas used for the character so that
	     // we can rotate it independently
	     int charWidth = fontMetrics.charWidth(characterToShow);
	     int charDim = Math.max(maxAdvance, fontHeight);
	     int halfCharDim = (charDim / 2);

	     BufferedImage charImage = new BufferedImage(charDim, charDim, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
	     Graphics2D charGraphics = charImage.createGraphics();
	     charGraphics.translate(halfCharDim, halfCharDim);
	     double angle = (Math.random() - 0.5) * rotationRange;

	     int charX = (int) (0.5 * charDim - 0.5 * charWidth);
	     charGraphics.drawString("" + characterToShow, charX, 
	                            ((charDim - fontMetrics.getAscent()) 
	                                   / 2 + fontMetrics.getAscent()));

	     float x = horizMargin + spacePerChar * (i) - charDim / 2.0f;
	     int y = ((height - charDim) / 2);
	     g.drawImage(charImage, (int) x, y, charDim, charDim, null, null);


		return bufferedImage;

public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
	NpcHtmlMessage npcHtmlMessage = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
	if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("captcha") && !activeChar.isCodeRight())
						if (activeChar.getTries() > 1)
			activeChar.setTries(activeChar.getTries() -1);
			//Random image file name
			int imgId = IdFactory.getInstance().getNextId();
			//Convertion from .png to .dds, and crest packed send
				File captcha = new File("data/captcha/captcha.png");    
				ImageIO.write(generateCaptcha(), "png", captcha);
				PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); //Convertion to DDS where is antybot
			catch (Exception e)
			//Paralyze, abnormal effect, invul, html with captcha output and start of the 1 min counter
			adminReply.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center>Enter the 5-digits code below and click Confirm.<br><img src=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + imgId + "\" width=256 height=64><br><font color=\"888888\">(There are only english uppercase letters.)</font><br1><font color=\"FF0000\">Tries Left: " + activeChar.getTries() +"</font><br><edit var=\"antibot\" width=110><br><button value=\"Confirm\" action=\"bypass -h voice .antibot $antibot\" width=80 height=26 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>If you close by mistake this window,<br1>you can re-open it by typing \".captcha\" on Chat.<br1>You have 3 minutes to answer or you<br1>will get jailed.<br1>You have 3 tries, if you will<br1>answer wrong to all of them you<br1>will get punished.</center></body></html>");
			finalString.replace(0, 5, "");
			return false;
			//here will run method with jailing player
			npcHtmlMessage.setHtml("<html><title>Captcha Antibot System</title><body><center><font color=\"FF0000\">You have wasted your Tries.<br><br></font><font color=\"66FF00\"><center></font><font color=\"FF0000\">You will be jailed.</font><br><button value=\"Exit\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest\" width=45 height=25 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></body></html>");
			if (activeChar.isFlyingMounted())
			activeChar.setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.JAIL, 1);
		return false;
		return true;
	//return false;

public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
	return _voicedCommands;

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