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Lineage II Ateniada


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We cordially invite you to a new server Ateniada that will open on May 7, 2011


FORUM http://www.asot-multigaming.pl/l2ateniada/index.php




Information on the server are as follows:








** Exp: x500

** Sp: x500

** Rate Party Exp: x2

** Rate Party Sp: x2

** Rate Drop Adena: x1000

** Drop Rate: x3

** RaidBoss Drop Rate: x3





General information:




** Balance PvP.

** Special Events - TVT / DM / Lastman / Hitman.

** Best Farm System - 4 Farm Zones.

** Best PvP - 2 PvP Zones.

** A working Olympics - from 18.00.

** Auto learn skills.

** Auto pickup.

** New Weapons and armors Freya (Elegy / Freya 1 / 2).

** 3 Hours Buffs.

** Good Geodata.

** Friendly Administration.

** Great atmosphere on the server (what we expect.)

** Vote Reward System - a fully operational (the date will get the boot server).

** No custom items.








** Safe Enchant: +3

** Enchant Max: +16

** Normal Enchant Scroll Success Rate: 75%

** Blessed Enchant Scroll Success Rate: 85%

** Maximum Lev. Attribute: 7Lvl.

Attrubite ** Success Rate: 60%





Farm / PvP Zone:




As a PvP server you want to accommodate all of our players good conditions for inter-clan fighting or the solos between them and the conditions for rapid and efficient collecting experiences . For this reason, we give your hands up 4 places to farm Ateniada Coin and BEAS / BEWS or books to enchant skill commonly called Giants Codex and 2 of the Clan Wars or, as written above - solos.









A common currency on the server we're going to make my own item, which will be called Ateniada Coin. This will be the subject of a red disc, for which more will be able to buy their equipment.









Lineage II Server team Ateniada consists of three owners legitimate server and a man who deals with the refinement of file server, NPC's and various scripts.


The Administration consists of:


[ADM] Prek

[ADM] Pafelo

[GM] Kiel

[GM] maxpoter





Hardware / Hardware:




Linux OS


Core i7 920

2x 4x 2.66 + GHz

2x 1000 GB

Raid Option: SOFT RAID - 0 / 1






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