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o yes?

i just refund the ammount of money idiot.


You take the money back without to test the exploit and then you told me that you dont take any pm from me.

i will pm maxtor to take a look on your pms then we will know who is the scammer. bye for now


You dident refund cause if you press accept money cant send them back. So stop says lies, and give back my money fucking retard.


You dident refund cause if you press accept money cant send them back. So stop says lies, and give back my money -beep-ing retard.

He's to dumb and won't stop with the lies. Everyone knows that he's a scammer now.


Report it to Paypal like i did and you might get your money back. Good luck.


mrmozo - 0 posts


Probably admin or GM of lineage.ro


take care


'He wanted to buy adena, but he said I'm very distrusted on the forum, he can't trust me :(, and that I have to show adena first' ... Aha, sure genius.


Date of scam: Today

Skype: chaosinside2

MXC Nickname: chaosinside

Real name: --

Scam method: No money

Server: L2Cerberus

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212764.0

Who did the scammer scam: me ?

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) - http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2121/scamv.jpg

Additional Info: I talked with him on skype, he sent me 25 euros than i gave him items(baium + dyna set+some more) and he logged of... I got scammed for 135 euros. And i just wanted to buy a computer .. seems i failed  :( :(





Person: caresure

Skype: moyrazw_tyxes

Topic link: All ofer mxc

Server: L2cerberus

Proof: http://imageshack.us/f/810/scam2w.jpg/

Additional Info: same method as first.. give money take item, rest of money adios.


After all this what can i say.. greece has nice ppl.. i wonder if all are the same, lol...

PS: I wonder if anyone is rly buying anything for real on that server too ..


Date of scam: Today

Skype: chaosinside2

MXC Nickname: chaosinside

Real name: --

Scam method: No money

Server: L2Cerberus

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212764.0

Who did the scammer scam: me ?

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) - http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2121/scamv.jpg

Additional Info: I talked with him on skype, he sent me 25 euros than i gave him items(baium + dyna set+some more) and he logged of... I got scammed for 135 euros. And i just wanted to buy a computer .. seems i failed  :( :(





Person: caresure

Skype: moyrazw_tyxes

Topic link: All ofer mxc

Server: L2cerberus

Proof: http://imageshack.us/f/810/scam2w.jpg/

Additional Info: same method as first.. give money take item, rest of money adios.


After all this what can i say.. greece has nice ppl.. i wonder if all are the same, lol...

PS: I wonder if anyone is rly buying anything for real on that server too ..

Thats why everyone use Lain Service...

  • 2 weeks later...

Date of scam: Today

Skype: chaosinside2

MXC Nickname: chaosinside

Real name: --

Scam method: No money

Server: L2Cerberus

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212764.0

Who did the scammer scam: me ?

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) - http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2121/scamv.jpg

Additional Info: I talked with him on skype, he sent me 25 euros than i gave him items(baium + dyna set+some more) and he logged of... I got scammed for 135 euros. And i just wanted to buy a computer .. seems i failed  :( :(





Person: caresure

Skype: moyrazw_tyxes

Topic link: All ofer mxc

Server: L2cerberus

Proof: http://imageshack.us/f/810/scam2w.jpg/

Additional Info: same method as first.. give money take item, rest of money adios.


After all this what can i say.. greece has nice ppl.. i wonder if all are the same, lol...

PS: I wonder if anyone is rly buying anything for real on that server too ..


You trust ppl too much.

I had a lot of trades and I wasnt scammed any time. Ofc there was few attempts but they wasnt successful - all that shit about 2piece trade, like first 50% money after items next 50% is bullshit.

  • 2 weeks later...

Date of scam: Today

MSN: Stylew1ns@hotmail.com

MXC Nickname: Stylewins

Real name: --

Scam method: No money

Server: L2Cerberus

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=214157.0


15:55:18  mLD .  fe fefe  you can log into the game

2011-07-26  15:55:22  fe fefe  mLD .  when send it, tell me to log in game

2011-07-26  15:55:24  mLD .  fe fefe  you send adena via mail or trade?

2011-07-26  15:55:27  fe fefe  mLD .  to send you items with mail

2011-07-26  15:55:38  fe fefe  mLD .  tell me ur name in game to send mail

2011-07-26  15:55:46  mLD .  fe fefe  XXXXXXXXXX

2011-07-26  15:56:04  mLD .  fe fefe  sec

2011-07-26  15:56:43  mLD .  fe fefe  sec

2011-07-26  15:56:49  fe fefe  mLD .  n[

2011-07-26  15:56:50  fe fefe  mLD .  np

2011-07-26  16:13:20  mLD .  fe fefe  20 sended

2011-07-26  16:13:22  mLD .  fe fefe  already

2011-07-26  16:14:02  mLD .  fe fefe  chceck it 

2011-07-26  16:14:10  mLD .  fe fefe  xxxxxxxxxxxx

2011-07-26  16:14:41  mLD .  fe fefe  or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2011-07-26  16:14:47  mLD .  fe fefe  are u ?

2011-07-26  16:14:51  fe fefe  mLD .  give me sec

2011-07-26  16:14:52  fe fefe  mLD .  to check

2011-07-26  16:14:54  mLD .  fe fefe  ok kok

2011-07-26  16:16:06  mLD .  fe fefe  and?

2011-07-26  16:19:09  mLD .  fe fefe  are u ?

2011-07-26  16:20:49  mLD .  fe fefe  hello?

2011-07-26  16:22:45  mLD .  fe fefe  Style ?!


And then he log off...



Fe fefe - stylew1ns@hotmail.com

Additional Info: I send him money and he log off from MSN and didnt see him any more.



ICQ: I don't know what this stands for.


Date of scam: 27/07/2011


MSN: unknown to me


Skype:  hellruler3


MXC Nickname:  HellRuLeR


Real name: Panagiotis Katsamagkos


Scam method: paysafecard


Server: L2Sandora


Topic link:  There isn't any link because we made the deal through PM.


Who did the scammer scam:  Me.







Panagiotis Katsamagkos: hey

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: are you the man from mxc?

Kevin Armstrong: yhe. Bulldozer

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: ok how much u sell the items?

Kevin Armstrong: first of all, I sell them for paysafecards

Kevin Armstrong: The price is something between 10 and 20 euros

Kevin Armstrong: what are you willing to give?

PanagiotisKatsamagkos: 10

[Kevin Armstrong: don't you have 15?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: there isnt a paysafe of 15 euros

Kevin Armstrong: there is one of 10 and another one of 5 though

Kevin Armstrong: anyway

Kevin Armstrong: do you have a paysafe of 10 atm?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: no there isnt any psc of 5 euros

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i have yes

Kevin Armstrong: then we can deal on that

Kevin Armstrong: I can sell them to you for 10 euros

Kevin Armstrong: since I no longer play there

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: ok or you can give me your acc to get them whatever you want

Kevin Armstrong: I will log in and give them to you in trade

Kevin Armstrong: how can I t rust you btw.

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: ask ppl in mxc

Kevin Armstrong: I've only made a trade in maxcheaters forum

Kevin Armstrong: that was with Sirroco

Kevin Armstrong: on L2Shax

Kevin Armstrong: he can tell that I'm trusted

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i can trust ppl by looking their post count

Kevin Armstrong: I can't, that's the case

Kevin Armstrong: at least not so easy

Kevin Armstrong: I heard someone with 1.200 posts scammed someone else in the forums

Kevin Armstrong: Maxcheaters forum is not my life so I have pretty much 50 posts

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: yp the fucking retards

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: like kingofchaos

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: scammed me

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: for psc-paypal

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: exchange

Kevin Armstrong: he wanted to scam me too on l2shax but I didnt deal with him, thank god.

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: so,what now?

Kevin Armstrong: I can login and show you everything I have

Kevin Armstrong: in trade

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: there isn't the problem

Kevin Armstrong: how will the deal take place though.

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: the problem is that i cannot trust ppl with low posts

Kevin Armstrong: how old are you

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: 17

Kevin Armstrong: because we could find another solution

Kevin Armstrong: I mean, since I don't play there

Kevin Armstrong: I wouldnt ever scam 10 euros off someone

Kevin Armstrong: that's what I am worried about

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i haven't ever scammed,ohh yes ask 1nf0 about how trusted i am i purchased a pack from him

Kevin Armstrong: I don't know who 1nf0 is but whatever.

Kevin Armstrong: do you have the card at the moment?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: yes

Kevin Armstrong: is l2 sandora up?

Kevin Armstrong: have they released another patch?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: dunno

Kevin Armstrong: because I cannot login

Kevin Armstrong: for some reason

Kevin Armstrong: go check please

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i have to download patch

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: :S

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i delete it

Kevin Armstrong: ok, do that

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: what items you exactly give?

Kevin Armstrong: +16 draconic armour set, +16 epic rb jewellery set, +16 tattoo, +18 draconic bow and a couple of gold bars (1kkk each)

Kevin Armstrong: the problem's that I cannot login

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: look i tell you now so that we know if we continue

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: 1)i can trade psc only if you give me the items first cuz as i told you i cannot trust low post members

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: 2) if you dont want cancel it here

Kevin Armstrong: I had in mind to give you the items first and only hope that you don't scam me

[6:58:50 μμ] Kevin Armstrong: I only wish you're not another spoiled kid who does everything for pixels

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: if you believe it finish it here

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: plz

Kevin Armstrong: it'd too much of a gypsy if someone scammed 10euros

Kevin Armstrong: so let's just go on

Kevin Armstrong: so, can you log in?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: sec i extract the patch

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i am in

Kevin Armstrong: give me a minute

Kevin Armstrong: i'll re-download then

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: server is going to close?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: lol

Kevin Armstrong: not really

Kevin Armstrong: I haven't heard such a thing

Kevin Armstrong: I am just much more into league of legends this period

Kevin Armstrong: so I want to enrich my account by buying some riot points

Kevin Armstrong: (paysafecard needed)

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: yes i play league of legends too

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: are u in?

Kevin Armstrong: not yet

Kevin Armstrong:  71% of download

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: u play league of legends east?

Kevin Armstrong: I play the US server

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: beacause of european retards?

Kevin Armstrong: no, due to the fact that I live in Canada and my ping is better

Kevin Armstrong: however, I've been born in Greece and my father himself is greek

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i am greek too :P

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: and i know retardness here in east server

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: all leavers+feeders

Kevin Armstrong: yup.

Kevin Armstrong: I am ingame

Kevin Armstrong: what's your name.

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: my name is duchess and i am dion

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: i go giran

Kevin Armstrong: I just ported to dion

Kevin Armstrong: 21 goldbars btw and 600 noble gems

Kevin Armstrong: which you can have as well

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: name?


Kevin Armstrong: you're Duchess, arent you?

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: ok let me bring here my psc

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: 0987 4567 2345 8756

Panagiotis Katsamagkos: ok i go play now


Kevin Armstrong: is there any password?















Additional Info: He's a fucking typical 17year old gr33k. He accused other people of being retarded scammer while he is one himself. He said he could not trust me because of my low post count on these forums.He created that  Duchess character at that time so we could make the deal.  I suggest you never deal with gr33ks again. No offense, because these forums are FULL of them, but this is the raw truth.


are u idiot all this time i went to buy the -beep-ing psc cuz i told you that my -beep-ing brother cheat my pin.Check your -beep-ing pms i gave u my acc with the items acc.And lol i would give you the money but you are a -beep-ing retard and i wont.So,take your -beep-ing acc with your -beep-ing money and put it in your ass.I didn't scam u i was just went downtown to buy that psc now take my balls and take ur -beep-ing items back.


Edit: And it is illigal to upload my name on the public!


are u idiot all this time i went to buy the -beep-ing psc cuz i told you that my -beep-ing brother cheat my pin.Check your -beep-ing pms i gave u my acc with the items acc.And lol i would give you the money but you are a -beep-ing retard and i wont.So,take your -beep-ing acc with your -beep-ing money and put it in your ass.I didn't scam u i was just went downtown to buy that psc now take my balls and take ur -beep-ing items back.


Edit: And it is illigal to upload my name on the public!

Why you mad though? If you really went to buy the paysafecard, you wouldnt have put half my items in the trade window and then all of a sudden log off. That's some made up story over there which obviously is not convincing enough. You would have said "I ll be back in a few minutes, going to buy a paysafecard" but I assume you tried for the best not giving a fu.ck about me and you're now trying to save your reputation on these forums. Also, when I gave you the items, you wouldnt say "OK BB I GO PLAY" and delete me from skype.


Why you mad though? If you really went to buy the paysafecard, you wouldnt have put half my items in the trade window and then all of a sudden log off. That's some made up story over there which obviously is not convincing enough. You would have said "I ll be back in a few minutes, going to buy a paysafecard" but I assume you tried for the best not giving a fu.ck about me and you're now trying to save your reputation on these forums. Also, when I gave you the items, you wouldnt say "OK BB I GO PLAY" and delete me from skype.

lolen i had dc.....


Edit: Electronic Crime is waiting your ip if your post won't be removed cuz u mention my personal name in public...


Sorry for double posting


but take a look at the number you actually gave me 0987 4567 2345 8756 


0987 now look at them backwards, you get 7890 which are a few consecutive numbers.

4567 oh noes, another pin of four consecutive numbers

2345 right, that's the same.

8756 look at them backwards, its another set of four consecutive numbers replacing 6 with 5.


you sir, are plain retarded.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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