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[Share] L2jPortugal High Five Project

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just another failure ^_^


thats why you got: Karma: -1 <- you're the failure.

i like people like you call fail when you can do better and when people like you only wait for releases

Show us how can you do better project based on l2jserver not based on another fork with custom mods.

Then we speak, that project its started by 1 guy only and help on dp (shiva) and 2 testers so if you call it failure you're calling l2jserver failure because l2jportugal have more things for now than l2jserver (weaps etc.)


The olympiad has new point or old

The old, they still working more people are joining to help that project, yes good people not people like djxxx because people like him are in NCsoft working on their servers,


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