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lineage SunGames Kameal


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Lineage SunGames have to serwer 100x and 5x and they are both Kameal


100x no Gmshops u can only buy mp resistenc potions hats and braclets at Doctor Chaos in giran,godd,aden


on 5x plays ~1k ppl on 100x 2k~ ppl serwer is russian but u can find and english ppl there


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And the serwer has a special thing u can make shop and write .offline then u will be in offline mode your l2 will shut down auto and your char will be still in game till any body buys all your stuff even if there will be restar your char will auto log with shop


Serwer link :http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&langpair=ru%7Cen&u=http://lineage2rus.net/&client=tmpg


If there will be any ppl who want to play on 100x and will be looking for eng clan pm in game zuke.



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