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"Firstly we would like to thank our dedicated community for their endearing support during the last couple of days. We have, together, come such a long way from where we first were. Your continuous enthusiasm has kept our developers and staff members positive and excited to bring you the most paramount server we can manage. Sadly all good things must come to an end, the Open Beta phase has now successfully ended.


During the few days ahead we will be working diligently and consistently to mend and improve your overall gaming experience. Due to your careful monitoring we are now able to tackle the many bugs that arose during the Beta phase. We will also be implementing many of the features and extras that give our server its uniqueness, additionally the development team are in the process of correcting class based pvp balance along with pve adjustments to insure fairness and stability in upcoming raids and dungeon fights. New never seen before on our server end game content will be added including armor, weapons, pvp areas, monsters, raid bosses, character perks and advances . The server’s economy will also undergo a few changes and enhancements.


Finally we would like to announce the official L2 Forgotten Live opening time and date please recognize that our work is not yet done and that these dates and times may go through minor changes through out the approaching days. Open beta testers are more than welcome to post your favorite beta screen shots.


The Live opening of our server shall be on April 15th at 21:00 GMT plus 2.


Thank you for your adoration, support and encouragement. "



Register,Read and discuss about Live opening that many people are waiting Here!


Useful Links:



Official Website

Official Forum Community!

Server Features

Register Your Game Account

Forgotten Staff

Our Preview Server Thread


P.S: Click the links for all the information you need about our server. IF something is missing please don't hesitate to ask, we will answer you ASAP  And Don't Forget We Are Waiting For You in our Live Opening !





Feature List


  • Freya Client
  • Global gk
  • Newbie helper
  • Killing Spree
  • Hunting Areas
  • Retail like shops (Local shop buildings but edited in the inside)
  • double xp weekends
  • unique event engine
  • conquerable locations
  • Forgotten ruins
  • Achievements and missions
  • unique tournament system
  • friendly and active team
  • balanced classes
  • no custom items
  • Drop Protection
  • Offline Trade
  • REAL time storyline



Rates Info


  • XP Rate ~~> X35
  • SP RATE ~~> X35


Enchant Rates

  • Normal Scroll ~> 66%
  • Crystal Scroll ~> 66%
  • Blessed Scroll ~> 70%



Detailed Info



Newbie Helper System


L2 Forgotten gives to our new players the opportunity to receive an important help!Players can choose between 4 destiny packs such as :


Archer Destiny

Dagger Destiny

Mage Destiny

Warrior Destiny


One Random Item!



Double XP Weekends



We added double XP weekends for everyone.Double xp will be activated and

you will get informed with an announcement and how many time will be on!



Conguer The Location We upgrading by ourselves all the time(green,red marks are our addons! Thanks to Matim for the previous updates tho!



its simple and clear, there are few locations which are conquerable.

It means that each clan may be the rightful owner of the individual locations.

- only clan with level 4 or above may be occupier of the location

- each clan is allowed to have multiple locations at once

- When a clan captures the location a global announcement pop up


2. To become lord of the location, you will have to:


- kill "Occupation Crystal" (don't worry, he will respawn shortly)


- kill its defenders and guards - if the owner bought and enabled defensive system.




3. Benefits:


- praise and prestige for your clan and clan members


- special functions available at Occupation Crystal


- It gives 20 clan rep per hour



Occupation Crystal Functions:


- Only Clan Leader of the clan which is owner of the location may control/set functions of the crystal!


- There are few functions available to set, depends from crystal type (there are better and worse)


- You Get Flagged when you hit it


- Clan members now can buy scroll to teleport to their crystal if its being attacked by enemies


- Shows the clan crest of the owning clan


For example:


1. First Function, Defence Ability:


- If this function is enabled, and someone will attack your location (will try to kill your location Crystal), Crystal will automatically try to fend off enemy attack, for example crystal is allowed to spawn his defenders such as Intelligent NPC Guards (like powerful mages which are able to use debufs and magic attacks etc) or dangerous creatures (Monsters) Crystal may also try to paralyze attackers for few seconds. Clan leader may enable those defence abilites by adequate price.


2. Second Function, Warning Ability:


- While this function is enabled, and someone will try to attack your location, each online clan member will be warned of the danger, that someone is trying to conquer your location. Its really useful option while no one is guarding your location! As always, you will have to pay for such facilities.


3. Buffs for clan members


4. Guards Upgading (1,2,3 levels)




Forgotten Ruins


One party per day must arrive before other parties to get in the forgotten ruins.

50 monsters spawn but only one got the drop reward and you got only 10 minutes to find it





Forgotten Tournament System


Forgotten tournament system is a new addition but we were preparing it 1 year now! with our functions to

our website which is linked to gameserver, We are going to do global tournaments LIVE

With live draws, live rankings, and when every player is playing!

Gamemasters will be the referees of the match.

Fights will be to different arenas each time but the final will be to the Underground Coliseum!



Forgotten Real Time Storyline


This is something you never seen a unique feature, Forgotten team creates the storyline

and based on the story of the server real time stuff happens inside of it aswell!

more info coming soon!








  • 3 hours buffs
  • Raids Working 100%
  • Castle Sieges every week
  • Territory Working Every 2 weeks
  • Olympiad Period 2 weeks
  • All skills Working 100%


  • Classmaster
  • Shops are located at local store but edited in the inside
  • Retail like noblesse quest
  • Sub-Class without quest
  • PvP skills/Colour



Currency Economy



  • Adena
  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold



Community Board(Coming soon)



Community Board's Informations that has the following options:

  • Server Infos
  • Server Announcements ,
  • Change Log  
  • Free Change Password  
  • Repair Character (crushes, crit. errors etc.)



Olympiad System



Entering olympiad you will be able to use only the special olympiader's stuff which you cannot enchant. You cannot receive olympiad points by same IP.

Your race will be changed example given from human to Dark elf.

Your name will be Olympiader and you will not be able to chat in normal chat or on friend list's chat.

Finally the olympiad's duration will be 3 hours a day and will last for 2 weeks till the new heroes will be selected.



Raid Boss System



Over 90 raid bosses level 85 , level 91 and level 95 full edited with cool custom drops.










We expect to see you in our server April 15th at 21:00 GMT plus 2. Dont Miss it!



Best Regards,


Forgotten Administration











I was there on beta phase and it was awesome ... now i cant imagine how good can be with the new featutes  ! Just Join in L2Forgotten you will find the server that you are seraching for years :D


Site is not ripped ^_^We got the psd file to show you =] its fully edited from our team and also modified ..On the other hand we got some stressweb modules  changed it from .tpl to php furthermore all coding is ours such as server status,lineage marketplace,seven signs also header, if i show you the structure of the site you won't even be able to understand anything also our webdeveloper Lordrach creating our CMS implemented to our site.





Hey this is BreathingJR off of L2Forgoten, I just have to say this server is going to be amazingly fun. We are constantly adding new things, trying to improve it in every possible way.

I would like anyone / everyone to just give this server a try even if it is for one day. You never know, you might like it and stay for a long time. At least I hope you stay, and enjoy this new server.

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