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[Guide]Fortune Seeker

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Some pvp tactics!

Vs Mages-Because you have a lot oh hp….mages can’t kill you so easy….go near them and stun them…Then hit and hit and hit again…until he dies.

Vs daggers-this is a no rage class…so because your  big hp…is easy to kill him…by stuning,hit,hit and hit again…until he dies

Vs Tyrant\destroyer-This is hard…because they have more hp than you….but anyway you can try the same tactics like daggers…ifyou have++ on stun…you will kill him.

you're saying them like it's so easy to do it ..

vs mages: you have big hp , but sh1t speed. If a mage will slow you , you are gone.

vs daggers: Is easy to kill ? in gracia and freya you will never touch a dagger with spoiler.

vs tyrant/destro: Kinda same .. you don't have too many chanses to kill them even with ++ stun.

Spoiler class it's not made for pvp , so you start pvp's with second chanse always.

What about vs tanks , vs sumoners, vs archers ... ?

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Some pvp tactics!

Vs Mages-Because you have a lot oh hp….mages can’t kill you so easy….go near them and stun them…Then hit and hit and hit again…until he dies.

Vs daggers-this is a no rage class…so because your  big hp…is easy to kill him…by stuning,hit,hit and hit again…until he dies

Vs Tyrant\destroyer-This is hard…because they have more hp than you….but anyway you can try the same tactics like daggers…ifyou have++ on stun…you will kill him.

you're saying them like it's so easy to do it ..

vs mages: you have big hp , but sh1t speed. If a mage will slow you , you are gone.

vs daggers: Is easy to kill ? in gracia and freya you will never touch a dagger with spoiler.

vs tyrant/destro: Kinda same .. you don't have too many chanses to kill them even with ++ stun.

Spoiler class it's not made for pvp , so you start pvp's with second chanse always.

What about vs tanks , vs sumoners, vs archers ... ?

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you're saying them like it's so easy to do it ..

vs mages: you have big hp , but sh1t speed. If a mage will slow you , you are gone.

vs daggers: Is easy to kill ? in gracia and freya you will never touch a dagger with spoiler.

vs tyrant/destro: Kinda same .. you don't have too many chanses to kill them even with ++ stun.

Spoiler class it's not made for pvp , so you start pvp's with second chanse always.

What about vs tanks , vs sumoners, vs archers ... ?

in some tactivs you're right..but not in all...and yes..i agree....spoiler class is made for money...but anyway..with some luck...:D
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you're saying them like it's so easy to do it ..

vs mages: you have big hp , but sh1t speed. If a mage will slow you , you are gone.

vs daggers: Is easy to kill ? in gracia and freya you will never touch a dagger with spoiler.

vs tyrant/destro: Kinda same .. you don't have too many chanses to kill them even with ++ stun.

Spoiler class it's not made for pvp , so you start pvp's with second chanse always.

What about vs tanks , vs sumoners, vs archers ... ?

in some tactivs you're right..but not in all...and yes..i agree....spoiler class is made for money...but anyway..with some luck...:D
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Fix it a bit ,btw rewarded - keep up.

damn hypocrite.Anyway


For a Fortune Seeker guide , you should focus on BEST AREAS to spoil etc MOSTLY,than pvp/armor/weapons etc , imho


Cause it's kinda useless now,you are not gonna PvP with Fortune Seeker


btw,decide,is this for IL or Freya?

I can see up to 80+ armors,but skills till IL :/

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Fix it a bit ,btw rewarded - keep up.

damn hypocrite.Anyway


For a Fortune Seeker guide , you should focus on BEST AREAS to spoil etc MOSTLY,than pvp/armor/weapons etc , imho


Cause it's kinda useless now,you are not gonna PvP with Fortune Seeker


btw,decide,is this for IL or Freya?

I can see up to 80+ armors,but skills till IL :/

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I agree with finito...spoilers are not made to pvp outside oly, are made to farm, mostly in the low/mid rate servers...so, ok, pvp tactics are fine as long as ur guide also contains some info about the best farming zones and the drops that may be acquired in those zones..

apart from that, it's a nice guide and it's even nicer that u made a guide for a class that the majority of players dont use as their main...

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Τhere are many places/tricks with which you can get MANY ADENA(especially at low-levels..)


I don't know most of them,but there are for sure.



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Share some of them with us in another topic :D


OffT : gz for 6k posts

i post them...

guide updated:P


I agree with finito...spoilers are not made to pvp outside oly, are made to farm, mostly in the low/mid rate servers...so, ok, pvp tactics are fine as long as ur guide also contains some info about the best farming zones and the drops that may be acquired in those zones..

apart from that, it's a nice guide and it's even nicer that u made a guide for a class that the majority of players dont use as their main...

thx...i made this guide because at low/mid rate srv...i always play spoiler :P
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