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interlude [L2Off] L2Memories Retail 7x


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Yes it is a secret you dont need to know. I can only say that extender is very good. For now just perfect.


No, we have cisco firewall, if we will need something better we will buy it for ddos.


Its not you'r bizness.


So what ? If we want we can get better machine. For now this machine can handle 2000 player's with out any problem.


Kasha-malaga or something else.



Now, let us in peace and go work on your server, and we will see what low rate server is the best.


[--]  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=173820.0


No, the fact is that your machine will only EVER use 8GB of that 24GB of ram


And isn't that what ALL servers claim, and no, you do not have Ciscoguard, at the most you have a datacentre with it that will only enable it for like 2 hours under extreme circumstances as ciscoguard costs between $10,000 and up. So ... stop with the false advertising and admit that the datacentre has 1 Ciscoguard between like 300 servers


LOL, just -beep-ing LOL.


Acting like a child now? Also it is spelt Business, maybe you should learn that


It obviously isn't yours, I can make a prediction right now what will happen. You'll get ddosed from launch, loose 3/4 of your players within the first 5 hours of the server being up, 1 - 2 months passes and you realise that you're loosing more money than making

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well good is that , Memories Team Do not hurry anywhere and that's nice to hear , couse i hope so there will be 1k+ people that will be good :D couse more than 3 weeks will be BETA MODE , to test all clearly

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