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Why Dekarma me?


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dude he make flame when before i post somethink like this i get dekarma too



Things have changed.You can see,you are 0 karma too


Don't dekarma users so easily ;)

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dude he make flame when before i post somethink like this i get dekarma too



u wanted to play me the clever guy

Look your post

he mean high five client and no spam please i see many posts by you last 2 min

I post in spam section what your prob


@Edit i request back my karma

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not in spam i see another posts but anw

omg show me the other post i dont spam couze i dont want to collect post omg i dont need them saw me where i spam for no reason and i will accept my dekarma


@Edit Quote from: Warmaster™ on Today at 05:16:53 PM

dude he make flame when before i post somethink like this i get dekarma too



Things have changed.You can see,you are 0 karma too


Don't dekarma users so easily 

Request karma back!

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another time dont say words like idiot or somethink if finito think is good to fix it but for me is not correct to say bad words

First of all u said to me i see u too post many times in past 2 minits or something like that so whats your problem?Secondly when someone call u idiot u log in with onether account or i dont know and dekarma people couze with this u have no privs!
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