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I have seen many people asking how to insert cheatpack into a DotA map or some Warcraft 3 maps.

Firstly, you will need 2 programs:

1) Jasscraft

2) MPQmaster



*Pictures below the whole guide

First, open MPQmaster. Then go to File/Load and load the map you want to add a cheat. Then when it ask you to select listfile, tick the box next to listfile.txt and click OK, a list of items will appear. If you see a file named (attributes), delete it! Find war3map.j and right click it and select Extract, Extract it to your desktop (*war3map.j may be inside Script folder for some maps)


Now, you can close MPQMaster for the time being.

Open JassCraft and open the war3map.j that you have just extracted.

A whole chunk of text will appear. Look at the first globals you see at the most top. Insert this below the word globals. *you can change the "-cheats " to something else you want as the activator to activate the cheat*


gamecache CACHE=InitGameCache("KeyBindings.w3v")
trigger CreateUnity=CreateTrigger()
trigger gg_trg_Hear=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect2=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateArea=CreateTrigger()
trigger CreateRect=CreateTrigger()
trigger CHEATS=CreateTrigger()
trigger ICHEAT=CreateTrigger()
string Activator="-cheats  "
force udg_hear=CreateForce()
force CHEATER=CreateForce()
group Heal=CreateGroup()
string array S2RAWa
integer array S2RAW
integer array skins
string RectAction
integer RectNum=0
integer mu2u=0
integer ma2a=0
integer as2s=0
trigger Death
string s2ss
real minx=0
real miny=0
real maxx=0
real maxy=0
rect Reg
real r2r




mmm... any mod can delete this topic, I was trying to put one "Code" but is too large to the forum, so this guide wouldnt work :(


Sorry guys :(

put it in a txt and upload the txt here ...

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