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[Exploit + fix]Lets hack: Anti-Target (Unsanitized input exploit ).

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The purpose of sharing the exploit is just cause i bet in the 1 in a million chance you get to understand the internals of these things and learn something useful. What you think i did it cause i get off by seeing randoms ( who cant even properly execute an exploit ) running around and messing up servers ?


Appreciate the fact that these are the only exploit posts that someone teaches you, not just how to do an exploit, but why it works, how it works and how to fix it. So yea, you aint gonna get any big benefit in messing up servers from me, just educational things, since each of my exploits releases is/will be accompanied by a fix too.



The reason is simple, does anyone in here believes he "deserves" to be able to use an exploit, when he cant even understand it ? :) Its very funny actually. 8/8 of those that contacted me to fix anti-target, you all gave me the same exploit, but when asked, none of you could even execute it. Eight had it, none could use it. So when you come and say "why share the fix man too bla bla", its like saying "Hey dog, all we want is to tell us step by step how to hack servers so as we go play gods in some guys server." You get the meaning dont you ...

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And here is the exploit:



9F 4D AA 00 12 01 00 00 00 5D 14 08 32 02 00 00 00


because i am newbie on phx i send only this on Send Packets?

and how can i find my char's ID?

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And here is the exploit:



9F 4D AA 00 12 01 00 00 00 5D 14 08 32 02 00 00 00


because i am newbie on phx i send only this on Send Packets?

and how can i find my char's ID?

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because i am newbie on phx i send only this on Send Packets?

and how can i find my char's ID?


If you cant find your chars id via phx, dont continue trying. You are no worth of using the exploit. As i stated in another post, we wont serve you food on the plate. We serve food, you eat it by yourself. We are not babysitters in here ;) You get my point ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hum nice one but maeby can u help me abaut this method:

if(L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(_objectID) != null)


i have not the method getplayer(_objectID) into the pack i use is really old pack but refactionated for server, have some tip to make this object id work? tnx a lot for your help.

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