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interlude [L2J] L2 Katana StuckSubs


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Lineage II: The Chaotic Throne - Interlude Client


Server Rates

XP : 300x

SP :300x

Adena : 300x





Safe : +10

Max For Weapons : +25

Max For Armors : +25

Max For Jewels : +25

Enchant Rate : 60%


General Features:

Custom Npcs:

Top 30 PVP/PK

Cool Buffer

Luxury GateKeeper

GM Shop

Pollen Trader(for rewards)


Custom Zones:

PVP/Farming Zone

Raid Bosses


Custom Drop's (All Zones Drop)


Custom Items:


L2Katana weapons


Sieges 100%

Fortress 100%

Heroes 100%

Skills 99%


Automatic TVT Event

Automatic DM Event

Automatic CTF Event


Manual events also by administrator,

soon we will have ViP Event Setted and ready for use.


PvP/Pk Color System


RB with items for clan skills etc.


Auto-Create Account.



Anti - PHX Announce

Anti - PHX Enchant

L2Walker Fixed

Flood Protection

Trade Bug Protection


Active Game Masters and Administrators

who do NOT ignore players! We will help

EVERY player, and we will try for the best.


Auto Reward every 10 votes at Hopzone


Friendly GameMasters and Active Developer who fixes bugs

and makes new things(new features).

If you report any bug, we will do our best to fox the bugs.


Server hosted in german.


NO lag..






Grand Opening: 1/4/2011 - Visit www.l2katana.com now!


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I can say that l2java EOE its kinda fucked up now the 3rd skills and the inactive gm's.

So im gonna give a try see you ig.

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Base +1 .. there out are a lot of this kind .. but this is first time i see in a long while ^^!

Don't you think enchant limits are a bit too high?¿ however GL

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Its really nice, and as i noticed the developers are fixing bugs all the time. For example i found a bug with the gatekeeper, i told it to global chat, and within 2 minutes it was fixed. Amazing job, and nice features. I suggest everyone joining :)

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