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im new in this forum and can anyone tell me why you hide topics? if anyone who will patch it cant post here o rwhat? :) they can get 200 posts and read posts.


im new in this forum and can anyone tell me why you hide topics? if anyone who will patch it cant post here o rwhat? :) they can get 200 posts and read posts.


You cannot see topic but you are still posting = spam which can cause dekarma and then even ban for ever.First warning

Regarding to your question. Hide topic will make exploit live much longer. Thats true developers can make 200 post or pay and read posts but ... they still to have 200 posts or even more which is not so easy because we are 'killing' spammers. Most good exploit are hidden under 400 and more posts. And some are visible only for staff and donators.

However very often we decide to hide exploits with post count so even if you are not donator you can always see exploits if you reach post count. This is not allowing  to SPAM forum but if you like this forum you can share useful things and ideas with us which improve this forum.


please do not spam any more and try to be valuable member. For this type of posts you should be banned "I dont have 200 posts what can I do" and etc... but I dont want to ban new people BUT if any newbie/medbie/oldbie will spam I will not hesitate to dekarma and report to mod to delete posts/ban user 


@tyranus first warning for spam 



Tnx for the share :)

My questions:

1) Can work on Interlude OFF Server?

2) If it work, can work with any kind of argument (Active, passive, chance skill)?

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