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Uparxei kapoios tropos na kanw ta hero weaapons..ta legomena infinity, na min einai poia infinity..:P dld na einai kanonika opla mou na mporoun na drop kai na mporoun na ta foroun oloi oi players...Ginetai auto?

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mporeis an 8es na dhmiourghseis opla me to idio texture

auto thelw..na kanw idia weapon opws ta infinity alla stin ousia na min einai infinity kai na einai fusiologika weapons
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ginetai man!! aplws dn 8ymamai se poio table stin database....(logika sto items).

Exei mia sthlh p leei Dropable(h kati paromoio) kai ekei 8a exei Value "0" kanto "1"...


Psaxteite kai ligo re!!!

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Exei rithmisei sto altsettings kapou leei gia strict hero system kanto apla false :P

Basika file mou egw thelw na exw kai infinity kai weapons pou na exoun to sxedio twn infinity alla na min einai...dld na allazoun xrwma sto enchanting...
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ginetai man!! aplws dn 8ymamai se poio table stin database....(logika sto items).

Exei mia sthlh p leei Dropable(h kati paromoio) kai ekei 8a exei Value "0" kanto "1"...


Psaxteite kai ligo re!!!


Enoeis dropable false na to kanei true :P :) kai afou einai weapons stn db ekei p leei weapons


Exei rithmisei sto altsettings kapou leei gia strict hero system kanto apla false :P


Sta eipan misa...alla sta eipan ola....

ta sindew kai ta arithmw :P :P


1)opos lei o Hax0r allakse tin timi sti stili dropable(i paromio den thimame oute gw xD) anti 0 se 1


2)opos lei o lover vriskete sta weapons ara psakse eki ..


3)metallas : me afto ta hero weapons ginontai san apla kai ta foran oloi..

alla paramenoun hero..


an thes twra na ta kanis entelos kanwnika...dld na pernoun enchant kai na ginonte +++ me enchant glow theli kkai alli doulia...


Edit&note: thes kai ligo client modding gia afto.. pou zitas..

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an thes twra na ta kanis entelos kanwnika...dld na pernoun enchant kai na ginonte +++ me enchant glow theli kkai alli doulia...


Edit&note: thes kai ligo client modding gia afto.. pou zitas..

Akrivws auto thelw file mou kai thanks gia tin boitheia
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Auto p exeis na kaneis oste na min "xalaseis" ta uparxonta infinity perneis  auto

0	6619 1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			icon.weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i00					-1	1300	47	0	0	0	0	0		14	5	1	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2		ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	653	142	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	293	11	1	1	1000	0	1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	1.0000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.5000000	1.5000000	1.5000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000							0	-1	-1	-1				

allazeis to ID kai to ksana kaneis insert sto weapongrp px pas sto telos vazeis ID 55555 kai paste ta upolipa meta to ID meta pas DB insert new weapon ena copy/paste apto table tou hero kai  allazeis ta dropable = true tradable = true etc etc auta twra epidei tha to pareis opos einai tha exei hero glow to weapon sto +0 an thes na exei meta apo +7 etc tote apla allazeis to value sto 1 se -1

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Auto p exeis na kaneis oste na min "xalaseis" ta uparxonta infinity perneis  auto

0	6619 1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			icon.weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i00					-1	1300	47	0	0	0	0	0		14	5	1	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2		ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	653	142	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	293	11	1	1	1000	0	1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	1.0000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.5000000	1.5000000	1.5000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000							0	-1	-1	-1				

allazeis to ID kai to ksana kaneis insert sto weapongrp px pas sto telos vazeis ID 55555 kai paste ta upolipa meta to ID meta pas DB insert new weapon ena copy/paste apto table tou hero kai  allazeis ta dropable = true tradable = true etc etc auta twra epidei tha to pareis opos einai tha exei hero glow to weapon sto +0 an thes na exei meta apo +7 etc tote apla allazeis to value sto 1 se -1


Thanks tha to dokimasw kai tha s pw...

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Auto p exeis na kaneis oste na min "xalaseis" ta uparxonta infinity perneis  auto

0	6619 1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			icon.weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i00					-1	1300	47	0	0	0	0	0		14	5	1	LineageWeapons.the_bow_of_hero_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.the_bow_of_hero_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2		ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	653	142	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	293	11	1	1	1000	0	1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	1.0000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.5000000	1.5000000	1.5000000	0.0000000	1.0000000	0.0000000							0	-1	-1	-1				

allazeis to ID kai to ksana kaneis insert sto weapongrp px pas sto telos vazeis ID 55555 kai paste ta upolipa meta to ID meta pas DB insert new weapon ena copy/paste apto table tou hero kai  allazeis ta dropable = true tradable = true etc etc auta twra epidei tha to pareis opos einai tha exei hero glow to weapon sto +0 an thes na exei meta apo +7 etc tote apla allazeis to value sto 1 se -1


Ego to ekana kai douleuei  auto...

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