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[boh8eia] akyrwsh twn buffs otan allazeis subclass



kalhspera se oloys!

mporei kapoios na m steilei to code oste otan kapoios allazei subclass na xanei ola ta buffs toy??

eyxarhstw ek twn prwterwn!

l2jfree il

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sto pack m den symbainei ama eisai titan as poyme allakseis class se cardinal kai meta ksanagineis titan 8a exeis ta buffs p eixes sthn arxh ston titan

egw ti 8elw ka8e fora p allazeis class na xaneis ta buffs s

dld an o titan eixe buffs kai o cardinal eixe buffs

otan apo titan  gineis cardinal 8a xaseis ta buffs s

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Den se pianw, o char apo default xanei ta buffs otan alazei sub, den xreiazete na ala3eis kt...


I mipws 8es na to apenergopiiseis...?

kai omos den ine default .


Anyway koita sta changesets tou l2j brazil isos kati na vreis

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kalhspera se oloys!

mporei kapoios na m steilei to code oste otan kapoios allazei subclass na xanei ola ta buffs toy??

eyxarhstw ek twn prwterwn!

l2jfree il


esi ise p poulas t pack tou l2sting k les oti dn exi bugs k tetoia... kai zitas help s enan aplo kodika?? kalaa patates

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