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1. Join To Ftp (Fillezilla,or smthn like that) and find...




2. Open File


Normal Admin:

"name of admin" "setinfo of admin" "abcdefgijkmu" "ab"



Vip Admin:

"name of admin" "setinfo of admin" "abcdefghijkmnopqrstu" "ab"



Head Admin:

"name of admin" "setinfo of admin" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ab"



WARNING : Dont Give to VIP or normal admin L flag.



Copyright SpraytoNNN


lol everyone knows setinfo_pw but i just saying where to put it ... first name secound password >.>


No,im verry sure that a lot of ppl dosnt know what means setinfo_pw (We dont know so much things like you :( )

And i just corrected you cause instead of "setinfo of admin" i write setinfo_pw (Btw why you wrote setinfo of admin if everybody knows what means setinfo_pw,just write setinfo_pw lulz)

Also the share is lame , its old and shared for thousands times ,even in google i bet i can find it for 10 times if i look.


Haters gonna hate GO ON !


PS:I wont reply anymore cause is worthless,otherwise if i do you'll get asskicked.


Sorry Master >.<


you are that hater not me ... every my tutorial you comment and said that is sux , i never join in any of yours and said that its unneedable or sux , better say i dont acre about them , ofcourse some of your/mine tutorials will help to some1.But i cant understand why you hate everything what i write , maybe you hate my NATION ? Well you are turkey and we in history was big enemies or whatever but i dont know ....i see that HATE in your WORDS when you comment it !

  • 3 weeks later...

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