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Website For Lineage II



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that's not my problem my problem is that i download a skin. but how i can make a http://myserver.servergame.com ? ? ? that's my problem how i can upload my site at a domain.

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You need to find a free redirection domain name or buy a domain name.

You also need an FTP space to upload your website on the net.


thank you i will try it and i will tell you the results.

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For the free redirection domain name, look at www.azote.org (french one, but google can find related english website).

For the free FTP, look at www.servhome.org (french too but high quality web hoster) with an adress by subdomain (mywebsite.servhome.org).

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oh man he just download a skin and he add it. ok visit http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12517.0 and your question will be answered.


All this are a language that i dont understand ... does anyone has some translated? except Napas

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