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interlude [L2J] L2 PRO


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Welcome, now server 3 hour (14.03.2011, 19:23) online on BETA mode. Server so good.



Site :

www.l2-pro.pl/en/index.html [move]Start 19.03.2011 Welcome![/move]



To create a server L2-Pro needed 2 months exactly 76 days, today I finish with a smile on my face and I can tell you that what I had to do as I did in the best order, from my work that I put in the server I am absolutely fun.Day Night Hours when creating a server for me was like a magic moment, I knew that I create something for the community of players who lack the lineage 2 chronicles Interlude old beautiful and above all the lack of High-Rate Interlude Server, good old PvP.Today invite you to visit the L2-Pro 19 March at 18:00 Gmt+1! Go! See! And then Rate Server!




Exp : x500

Sp : x500

Adena : x50

Drop : x50

Spoil : x50

Quest : x50



Safe: +4 | Max + 14


(Czyt. 1-Normal/2-Bleassed)

+1 - 100%

+2 - 100%

+3 - 100%

+4 - 100%

+5  - 64%/66%

+6  - 62%/64%

+7  - 59%/61%

+8  - 56%/58%

+9  - 52%/55%

+10  - 50%/53%

+11  - 48%/50%

+12  - 44%/46%

+13  - 40%/44%

+14  - 39/40%


More Information:

*Geodata Stazis

*Beatiful NPC

*Very Good Balance

*Awesome working Olympiad

*Awesome working Siege

*Vote System

*Siege Npc (Thanks to get Scrole for L2-Pro Coin) Scrol can be used when the castle is under siege and we can not get to any city by GK

*30 Second Spawn Protection


*Class change Npc

*Buff time 2 Hours

*Olympiad period 1 weeks

*PvP/PK Ranking in game

*Hero weapon hass benn increase

*No Custom Items

*6 Spots fa A farm with the L2-Pro Coin-s and 2 spots on the farm with L2-Pro S-Grade Coin (You do not buy S grade weapons but will not have much farmić about 5-10 minutes)



*And much More Join 19 March 2011 !!!


Custom raidbosses may become in the selected location on the map:





You probably have guessed that raidbosses will stand in the The Cemetery [/ b] Custom raid bosses respawn is 4H. Respawn is Grandbossa 8H. Grandboss stands on the farm is to him, but do not teleport to the center and only against which we must open the door to get to Grandbossa otorzymy them using the L2-Pro Grandboss Key key, we can get on the farm, killing mobs, all mobs on the farm, great bustards key at 15% chance of gain.


Events are held alternately every hour on the Team Vs Team Capture the Flag and Death Match to win the special events we can get that we can replace coiny Special Event at the NPC in the Ls, Bleassed Scrole (Each Grade) Caps, BoG, and many more.


Note Every Saturday and Sunday at 23:59 this will be a special event called War Giran Town there will be chaos for anyone to kill anyone for the killing of the victim we are rewarded with a special token for which also we buy a lot of useful things from special NPCs. Town War lasts 15 minutes.


Serwer IBM x326

2x AMD Opteron 254 3,2Ghz 64 bit


Dyski 2x 320GB SATA2

Pasmo 100 Mb/s Upload/Download

[move]Welcome Already Mar 19, Visit Us Show everyone what you can afford![/move]


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