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Hello guys =]

im new out'a here, came from RZ,

want to try out the forum and join the community,


what i need is a simple (i guess) PHP script thad on-click will send specific item to user's ID..

like hmmm like some cine of donator system, =]

if someone can make thad for me ill be glad to hear it,

cause my PHP coding it worst then 3-years kidd HeHe.



This is just an SQL query called by a php script.


Try to understand how works the SQL queries for L2J and look by yourself, the result will be biggest for you than if I give you the script...


Just an indice : it start with " INSERT INTO items "


php and sql form a good duo :P


you can make a page with 3 text area to haave the values of the char_id, the item and the number of this item.


when you send the form, you just have to execute the sql query using the variable taken from the form. nothing more.

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