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Eine kalos odigos alla nomizo exeis kanei ena lathos..

skill0018_0.pngAura of Hate(lvl 37): Χρησιμοποιεί 6542 δύναμη για να προκαλέσει έναν αντίπαλο να σου επιτεθεί. 

skill0028_0.pngAggresion(lvl 49): Χρησιμοποιεί 7196 power για να προκαλέσει τους αντίπαλους να σου επιτεθούν. 

Eine antitheta.. ;S


gt doom B?

afou o an8rwpos akoma xparei

dwstou mia zubei na einai oudeteros

kai gia tin A


best balance armor

kai top p def

kai patk+accu gia archers/daggers +stun res se periptwsi tank vs tank kai toksotes

to build sou sta b/a einai gia ena monotono tank pou mono agro kanei :(

pezw 5 xronia paladin

den 8elei odigo to l2

mialo 8elei

oson afora tin olympiada apla mialo skepsou ekeini tin stigmi den uparxei programmatismeni roi paixnidiou


"8a fas critical kai tote 8a exeis 600 hp kai den 8a mporeis na kaneis sacrifice +30 power

etsi 8a trekseis pisw kai kanontas stun 8a kaneis holy blessing"

den uparxei tetoio guide mia xara einai osa egrapse


EDIT: me enemy gladi trexeis kai pezeis mono sacrifice kai hp mexri na teliwsei to mp tou gladi ^^


gt doom B?

afou o an8rwpos akoma xparei

dwstou mia zubei na einai oudeteros

kai gia tin A


best balance armor

kai top p def

kai patk+accu gia archers/daggers +stun res se periptwsi tank vs tank kai toksotes

to build sou sta b/a einai gia ena monotono tank pou mono agro kanei :(

pezw 5 xronia paladin

den 8elei odigo to l2

mialo 8elei

oson afora tin olympiada apla mialo skepsou ekeini tin stigmi den uparxei programmatismeni roi paixnidiou


"8a fas critical kai tote 8a exeis 600 hp kai den 8a mporeis na kaneis sacrifice +30 power

etsi 8a trekseis pisw kai kanontas stun 8a kaneis holy blessing"

den uparxei tetoio guide mia xara einai osa egrapse


EDIT: me enemy gladi trexeis kai pezeis mono sacrifice kai hp mexri na teliwsei to mp tou gladi ^^




Στο pvp root/sleep θα φας, όχι stun.


btw στα B άμα θες να κάνεις farm βγάζεις BW, όχι zubei.


sto pvp to tank na faei root sleep?

pou apo ta agro esena varane

kai o bishop sto xwrio mou exei cleanse kai purify...

den 8a kanw 1v1 me evas saint gia na faw root kai sleep kai na pw ox tin ekatsa

se mass pvp eisai target me ta agro

kai twn bishop gia heal kai cleanse/purify

kai twn enemies


sto pvp to tank na faei root sleep?

pou apo ta agro esena varane

kai o bishop sto xwrio mou exei cleanse kai purify...

den 8a kanw 1v1 me evas saint gia na faw root kai sleep kai na pw ox tin ekatsa

se mass pvp eisai target me ta agro

kai twn bishop gia heal kai cleanse/purify

kai twn enemies


1. Root/sleep τρως πολύ πιο εύκολα από stun... Και Btw ποιος θα γυρίσει να σου κάνει stun; Ο archer θα αφήσει τα κωλόψωμα για να σε βαρέσει; Τα support θα σε πιάσουν στα Trance και τα Arrest.

2. Άμα μπει σε range να βοηθήσει το tank o Bishop έχει πέσει από ένα snipeline assist, άσε που αφήνει αβοήθητα τα dd για ένα tank. Και btw όταν έχει ο bishop cleanse δε νομίζω πως είσαι ακόμα με A grade...

3. Άμα όμως θες να βάλουμε μέσα και Healers, τότε η NM σε κάνει πιο εύκολο heal target επειδή σου δίνει +2 CON και γίνεσαι πιο tanky και παίρνεις και λίγο stun resist, συν ότι έχει ασπίδα που κάνει set σε αντίθεση με τη mj.


kala mila gia c6 esu

egw apo tin arxi tou l2 gladi kai paladin pezw

pote den exw xasei

kai rezili exw kanei oly 1v1 paladin me NM

gt ekane 120 dmg ekana 200

tsampa o char exei flame icon etc.?

varaei katalavete exoun vgei kai high five

oloi oi chars skwtwnoun

giafto lene ta tank OP

ama foresw NM ta kanw c6 mono na trwne kai na agro

me ta items mou ginete kai killer


den exei mono to enemy pt archers kai healers kai arrest kai sleeps blablabla

milame gia isaksia party kai isaksia gameplay

diaforetika item

kai bishop protimaei A grade polles fores mexri na vgalei S

cleanse sta 78 kai?


kala mila gia c6 esu

egw apo tin arxi tou l2 gladi kai paladin pezw

pote den exw xasei

kai rezili exw kanei oly 1v1 paladin me NM

gt ekane 120 dmg ekana 200

tsampa o char exei flame icon etc.?

varaei katalavete exoun vgei kai high five

oloi oi chars skwtwnoun

giafto lene ta tank OP

ama foresw NM ta kanw c6 mono na trwne kai na agro

me ta items mou ginete kai killer


den exei mono to enemy pt archers kai healers kai arrest kai sleeps blablabla

milame gia isaksia party kai isaksia gameplay

diaforetika item

kai bishop protimaei A grade polles fores mexri na vgalei S

cleanse sta 78 kai?


Αφού μιλάμε για Freya τα A grade τι σημασία έχουν;


Επίσης λογικό δεν είναι να νικήσεις 1v1; Αφού θα πιάνεις περισσότερα stun. Το l2 όμως δεν είναι 1v1, αλλά mass pvp. Όπως είπα και πριν oly με A grade δε μπαίνεις σε Freya. Ούτε σε Interlude μπαίνεις δηλαδή εκτός και αν είναι καινούριος server... Στο oly έτσι και αλλιώς όπως είναι στο L2 δεν έχει σημασία το αν νικάς ή όχι άμα δεν είσαι σε καλή clan. Τα hero τα παίρνουν όλα οι μεγάλες clan που μπορούν να κάνουν feed.


eimai kata tou feed

den mou aresei to feed

allwste eimai paladin kai den xreiazome feed

btw kala les

ti milame gia A?

item gia XP einai...

pantws l2 pezw gia oly egw

gt mporei na eimai se low i big clan

stin oly omws... ta pezoume sta isa


eimai kata tou feed

den mou aresei to feed

allwste eimai paladin kai den xreiazome feed

btw kala les

ti milame gia A?

item gia XP einai...

pantws l2 pezw gia oly egw

gt mporei na eimai se low i big clan

stin oly omws... ta pezoume sta isa


Το feed σαν oly beast μπορεί να μη σου αρέσει, αλλά σε όλα τα retail-like low rate επιτρέπεται ;p

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Health weapon? lol den ine Hell Knight...

me 1 C grade Health Weapon is gg gia otan tha kaneis ToL panw sou.


A Grade ti majestic k nm...Tallum ftw


Dyes +con - str? k ti p attack tha xeis meta exeis dokimasei?

an ise me moirai foundation set tote +3 str/-3 con kai +3 dex/-3 con

an ise me vorpal +4 str/-4con kai +4 dex/-4con


Epics genika to tezza ine pio xrisimo mono vs d elf summoner k domi thes kalo mdef

Ta mage psofane prin kala kala arxisei to game


  • 10 months later...

wraios o odigos sou  ;) tha mporouses na mas peis kai gia to poia enchant xreiazontai sta skills opws kai ta skills tou phoenix (an exei pou nomizw oti exei  :o )

kala ta dyes tou einai apla  "τραγικα" mono pou eida ta dyes tou den xriazotan  na dw parakato:/

ok isws na ithele dex+ gia to aggro ktlp alla den nomizw oti einai tragika opws ta les... to wit xreiazetai sxedon se ola ta tank gia magic skills opws kai to con gia stun resist kai hp  :-\ kai vasika esi ti tha tou evazes dld afou ksereis kalitera?




str+ 4 con-4/ dex +4 con -4/ wit +4 int-4 auta tha evaza se tank, twra pes mou eksupne.

proton den eipa oti eimai eksipnos apla se rwtisa ti tha evazes esi ef oson autounou einai tragika kai egw den kserw kai polla gia paladin opote tin eksipnada astin gia real life... tespa , to con - den to theoro kali epilogi, isos gia pvp server ok alla gia low rate tha to apefeuga teleiws...

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    • Advanced Lineage II Event Engine – Flexible, Scalable, and Developer-Friendly Introducing a powerful and fully customizable event engine designed to enhance gameplay, increase player engagement, and simplify event management. Whether you're running a high-rate PvP server or a low-rate retail-like experience, this engine provides the flexibility you need to create and automate dynamic in-game events.   ✅ Compatible with aCis 401 – Fully coded for aCis project (revision 401) and ready for seamless integration. 📜 Delivered as a .diff Patch – Simply apply it and start using it right away!   📸 Check out the screenshots & features: Imgur Album (more soon). Key Features ✔ Fully Configurable – Every aspect of each event can be customized, including timers, rules, rewards, and restrictions. ✔ Seamless Integration – Works with existing server configurations and supports custom scripts or modifications. ✔ Automated Event Rotation – Events can be scheduled or started via a voting phase where players choose the next event. ✔ Multi-Mode Participation – Players can join via commands (.register | .leave | .events) or NPC interactions. ✔ Real-Time Tracking – An on-screen HUD displays kills, scores, and time remaining. ✔ Enhanced PvP Mechanics – Auto-respawn, score-based rewards, and First Blood announcements. ✔ Spectator Mode – Allows non-participants to watch events live. ✔ Detailed Event Logs – Administrators can track player performance, winners, and event results for analysis. Reward System Player-Based Rewards: Configurable options for winning, losing, ranking in the top X, or achieving First Blood. Kill-Based Rewards: Earn rewards per kill or based on streaks. Team-Based Rewards: Incentivize team victories with shared prizes. Included Event Modes Team Fights (TDM): Classic team-based PvP with configurable duration, respawn rules, and score limits. Solo Fights (Deathmatch): Free-for-all PvP—highest kill count wins. Last Survivor (LMS): No respawns—last player standing wins. Lucky Chests: Random chests with rewards, traps, or debuffs. Treasure Hunt: Players race to find a hidden treasure. Monster Massacre (PvE Race): Teams compete to slay the most monsters. Territory Clash: Players battle to control a zone and earn points over time. Ultra Rapid Fire (URF Mode): Boosted stats, reduced skill cooldowns, and enhanced combat speed. Assassin Hunt: A random player is marked as the target—others must eliminate them. Monster Mayhem (Boss Raid): A powerful boss spawns; players must cooperate (or fight each other) to take it down. Power-Up Clash: Players collect battlefield buffs for a combat advantage. Why Choose This Event Engine? ✅ Fast Implementation – Set up new events in minutes with an intuitive configuration system. ✅ Performance Optimized – Lightweight and designed for high player counts without impacting server stability. ✅ Extensive Customization – Easily modify or extend functionality to suit your server’s needs. ✅ Developer Support – Well-documented API and configuration options for easy integration. Transform your server’s event experience with a feature-rich, developer-friendly solution. 🚀 Ready to integrate? Contact us for licensing details! Get Your Copy Today! Upgrade your Lineage II server with this powerful event engine and bring next-level gameplay to your players. With fully customizable settings, automated event management, and seamless integration, this system is a must-have for any serious server administrator.   💰 Pricing: Full License: 100e (One-time payment) Support & Updates: included on full licence   📩 How to Purchase: PM me directly for inquiries and purchases. Discord: @Luminous
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    • Hello everyone, people often ask me how to help me. Here I will describe the general principle of how to create a simple window for ui (unity l2)   Here I am looking at an already created ActionWindows window   1. Assets\Resources\Data\UI\_Elements\Game 2.    Let's call it ActionWindows 3. Let's go to the newly created window 4.as you can see it is empty. But we already have a ready-made window template so that we don’t have to assemble it again every time. We will connect a ready-made design for a new window 5. open the window code 6. 7. Add new code  <ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:uie="UnityEditor.UIElements" xmlns="UnityEngine.UIElements" editor-extension-mode="False"> <ui:Template name="DefaultWindowsAction" src="project://database/Assets/Resources/Data/UI/_Elements/Template/DefaultWindowsAction.uxml?fileID=9197481963319205126&amp;guid=2fdd4636702f00a4e98644cfa7468b14&amp;type=3#DefaultWindowsAction" /> <ui:Instance name="defaultWindowsAction" template="DefaultWindowsAction" style="width: 317px; height: 575px; position: absolute;"> <AttributeOverrides element-name="windows-name-label" text="Actions" /> <ui:VisualElement name="Background" class="background_over" style="flex-grow: 1; min-width: auto; min-height: auto; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: flex-start; position: absolute; background-image: resource(&apos;Data/UI/Window/Frame_DF_Large_Bg_Darker_Center_Alpha&apos;); height: 91%; top: 38px; width: 95%; left: 8px; display: flex; visibility: visible; overflow: visible; opacity: 1;" /> <ui:GroupBox name="BoxHeader" class="drag-area" style="margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; position: absolute; top: 15px; align-self: stretch; height: 4%; width: 88%;" /> </ui:Instance> </ui:UXML>   8.We take a template  project://database/Assets/Resources/Data/UI/_Elements/Template/DefaultWindowsAction.uxml 9. This piece of code can be taken from other windows so as not to write every time 10. Save 11.Drag the GroupBox node   12. Changing its position settings   I can change all the settings from the editor. But if you knew, then a very similar technology to CSS is better   if you open the window code you can notice everything is the same as in css you can create settings in the window code or use a file with all the styles   Assets\Resources\Data\UI\_Elements\L2StyleSheet.uss In the next issue we will write code to connect it to the game logic. Unless of course you delete the article.  
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