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Well... I have to admit I am doing the things with a weird order.

I guess because I wanted to get some money on Paypal, I didn't even make an introduction of myself...


Anyways.. this is me! My name is Alex, I am almost 17 years old (I will be 17 in some days) and I am a student.

I live in Athens and I go to a Music School. I learn how to play the piano and my teachers say that I have talent.


I like to help other people if I can and have the time to help them. I think its in my nature to help others tbh.. lol

Eh.. I trust pretty easy other people and I am trying to "fix" that because until now.. I have been scammed over 80 euros in total from trusting the wrong persons.

Something bad sometimes but most times good is that when I promise something I always do it.


That's all I can think of, at the moment. Any questions, just ask! :D

If I don't wanna answer, I just won't, else you will get an answer, so... don't be shy :P

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film ur self playing some mozzart music and post it here ;D


Hahahaha, I like Mozart, but I don't like playing Mozart so much. :D

If you want to hear some pieces that I play you can visit my youtube channel. From forum rules propably I can't post the link, so just type "AlexiosP4" without the " and you will see some of the videos I have uploaded. Eh, one video is for "advertising" my school, so look the rest :P

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