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hellbound [L2j] L2Apollon


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                                        TIME HAS COME ! SERVER'S GRAND OPENING DAY ! WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU !


                                                                   30 / 04 / 2011 , 18:00 GMT+2



Hi all, L2Apollon is a new server running on OVH dedicated machine and managed by MCITP administrator in partnership with Nekys Nemia, administrator of Raidfight. Some info about server can be found below. What we offer in L2Apollon is an experienced Team that knows coding in java, knows how to secure a server and knows Lineage2 from player's point of view. Server is located in Great Britain because datacenter is there and with dedicated internet connection of course. Come join our beta-testing mode and leave us a feedback about server! Visit www.l2apollon.com for further information!


Website: www.l2apollon.com


Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/pages/L2Apollon-Gaming-Network/200309096662135


Server Machine :

- Processors: AMD Opteron 4174 (6x 2.30+ GHz)

- Memory(RAM): 16 GB DDR3

- 2x 1500 GB - SATA2 No Raid

- 1 Gbps Bandwidth

- Unlimited Traffic

- Hardware Firewall for DDOS Protection

- Full Anti-Hack - Anti-Bot System

- Full Protected Server both Client and Server


Server Info :

- L2Apollon (50x) Server:

- Freya (CT2.5)

- XP: 50x

- SP: 50x

- Party XP/SP: 1.2x

- ADENA: 50x

- Spoil: 25x

- Drop: 10x

- Max Enchant Rate: +16

- Safe Enchant Rate: +4

- Normal Enchant Chance: 66%

- Blessed Enchant Chance: 76%

- Full Geodata/Pathnode

- Full Working Hellbound

- No custom items

- Official Phoenix-Events-Engine with many, many events supported


Server Features :

- Items of Gm Shop (up to A grade) inside local stores for a more 'retail-like' server feeling!

- Global GK (inside the normal Gatekeepers)

- Raid Teleporter (not to 80+ lvl bosses and Special Bosses though)

- NPC Buffer with option to create personal buff scheme (3 hours buff)

- Npc Vitalizer that gives u buff to maintain full vitality for 2 hours

- Colour Manager that changes player's title colour!

- Noblesse Manager

- Top PvP-PK npc info

- No quests for class change and subclass

- Max Subclass=3,Max LvL of Subclass=85

- Balanced Retail Olympiad with +8 max enchant value

- Auto-Learn skills


Unique L2Apollon Features :

- Server doesn't use npcs for Gm Shop or for Global Gatekeeper, everyting is incorporated inside the retail npcs like local traders and local gatekeepers. With that way we want to boost participation in sieges and give to players a more 'retail-like' feeling !

- A total unique instance to try your luck with difficult enemies and earn nice rewards! (24 hours re-enter time)



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We have finished the disable of Gm Shop and now all contents of it have been moved to local stores in Giran and Aden Town. Visit Grocery, Weapon, Armor, Luxury Shop etc and check out the new lists of items!

Global Gk has also been disabled and incorporated inside the existing retail Gatekeepers!

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Great News for L2Apollon players! Hellbound has just been implemented on our server! Leveling Hellbound is a massive quest for the whole server, each level has it's own missions. You will get a new perspective of gameplay helping Natives to fight against Beleth!

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New area of information added to our website, check 'Useful Info' section to the left of the page under 'Vote Area' . You can find useful information such as Soul Crystal level up info, Soul Crystal colours of weapons, S80-S84 drop-spoil list and many more that will be added in the future as well!

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Our website uses the best and most up-to-date search engines for L2 Databases (lineage2.stratics.com, lineage.pmfun.com, l2wh.com, l2.dropspoil.com) so feel free to search whatever information you are looking for Lineage 2. Check 'Quick Search' section in the left side of the page!

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We have finally implemented and added a custom solo instance that allows players to fight against strong enemies and earn their rewards. Drops from that instance include Event Golden Apiga, that is our main trade coin item (besides adena) ingame, so there's one more possible way for you to gather your coins faster! Instance's re-enter time is 24 hours.

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Website has been updated with 17 online flash games that you can play directly and freely from our website! Check in the left menu and click 'Live Flash Games'! They are totally free!

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We have bought the official Phoenix Events Engine from http://phoenix-engine.net and now L2Apollon offers you the opportunity to vote and participate in your favourite event and earn amazing rewards!

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Thnx all for your good words, we want to be absolutely ready before the server goes live, that's why we are still in beta-test mode. Be patient and don't miss to check www.l2apollon.com for latest info and news!

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