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Moving Texture in Certain Parts of an Armor

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Well, I am a newbie in client modding, and I am having trouble with this. I cannot find a good guide here, or in Google which focuses on moving textures in certain parts of an item. The guides here focus on moving textures in the entire item. I need this for a armor I am making, and it is tallum heavy. I tried using one of the guides here, and the result ended with an entire part being covered by a new texture. Is there any way to  make it to a small section of a armor piece will have that texture?



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well use search better :)


PD: The guide is very well explained, since you want panner and no material sequence as explained in that, what you should consider are the alpha in PS layers, with all that already.


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A armor with the "theme" of those weapons, if you get what I mean. Mainly I just want the armor to match those weapons. So like have the "fire" effect flow from parts of the armor.

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A armor with the "theme" of those weapons, if you get what I mean. Mainly I just want the armor to match those weapons. So like have the "fire" effect flow from parts of the armor.


aw i get it. simple

just make an alpha channel with the part you DONT want to be covered with this "fire"


you can do that by searching on youtube or google "how to make an alpha channel"

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