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About mikewasosky

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  1. If your code is that posted above, which appears in the screens of the commits, then yes it is. That's a non working code that has not much to do with what he requested, and he paid money for it.
  2. So you made him pay for something that you didn't code and that isn't working? That's called scam...
  3. I think this post is already solved =p
  4. Any command to dump the database?................ OMG, are u serious? More difficult to remember so many freaking commands that learn how to setup a better pack.
  5. You should know what are u able to do, not? :o Since u have source access u can try to add whatever u want...
  6. Are u trying to log-in with your external ip in ur l2.ini? If is it, put localhost... Or doesn't work for anyone? Clean "gameserver" table in loginserver database, run registergameserver.bat and cut and paste hexid.txt in game-config. And put your external/no ip in ipconfig.xml...
  7. I think in gracia the skill_tree is in database, check it.
  8. chronicle? emulator? h5 l2jsrv, game-data-skilltrees-classskilltree add <skill skillName="Blabla" skillIdLvl="239,1" getLevel="56" autoGet="true" /> where classid is which u want <skillTree type="classSkillTree" classId="0">
  9. data-stats-skills-custom <skill id="10001" levels="1" name="Custom Mana Potion"> <set name="displayId" val="2288" /> <set name="itemConsumeId" val="728" /> <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" /> <set name="isPotion" val="true" /> <set name="magicLvl" val="1" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="power" val="400" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000" /> <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> </skill>
  10. I put this name, but I could put Mofo's Event xDD, it's not related the name with the event in this case, well, a little bit, but not with the traditional association. how it works: 10 players, 2 randomly choosen, which won is again protected with barrier and stuff, which lose is romoved from the event, after that, the same again, 2 players randomly choosen...blabla... when the last 2 players are fighting, who won, is the event winner.
  11. Well if it's not forbidden... first post updated with an old video of some events.
  12. I recently coded some events that I thing are not so "easy" to config, but I think it's forbidden to post video url's here, it's not? And is difficult to explain events with screenshots. Btw if u are experienced developer u can thing that this is easy, but for other person it could be hard, for other could be impossible and for other could be nice, all depends in which person is interested in it.
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