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  1. Thank's xXObanXx ;)
  2. That is Awesome man very good job! Do not ask me how to see it... i have and second account! btw i tested it and is VERY cool!
  3. Poio einai to password sto L2Dubai website???
  4. http:// l2frozenhell.net/ Lineage 2 Freya {PvP} Server x1000 Sto protino ;)
  5. that was very nice, very good work!
  6. thats look nice, keep going the good shares ;)
  7. Server: L2FrozenHell {PvP} Freya Server x1000 WTS Full character to good price with items: 255 recommendations Access V.I.P. {GoD} Weapon +30 (FULL) Augument Weapon Full Skills +30 {GoD} Cloak 3.000.000 Gold Knight Hero 1 Month {GoD} Shadow Eternal Armor +30 (FULL) RaidBoss Jewels +30 (SET) Only With: 110 euro (Normal Price: 140 euro) Possible Donate's: PayPal & Paysafe Card Site: http://l2frozenhell.net/ If you interesting send me an e-mail on: donationsl2frozenhell@hotmail.com [move]L2FrozenHell Team[/move]
  8. WTF? blessed 2% more from normal scroll? lol Fail
  9. Geia sas paidia. simera ebala ton server mou se enan dedicated server alla exo ena ena megalo problima. ekei pou trexei o server kanonika, kai eimai kai ego mesa... xafnika kolane oloi oi players (kai ego mazi)... kai kitao sto game server console kai den mou exei kanena error, kai meta pao ligo mou bgazei server terminated. tha ithela na me help grigora parakalo. thank's
  10. DeathHunter if the OLD fa.....ing moderators ban 3 ACCOUNT'S with very good name's what you want to put after??? omg. stop spam omg. if you can make better, make it. but stop spam omfg.
  11. thank you, you help me with this.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if i want for every kill, player to received a reward... what i need to put?
  12. thx re man me boithises polu me auto, to epsaxna kairo tora...
  13. nice gatekeeper, keep sharing ;)
  14. this buffer it works perfect to me too as a VIP buffer.
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