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Everything posted by Arch

  1. Hi guys ive for sell Tank 101 pal 6 % duo iss 100 lvl 38 %. 5 slots broch with topaz/daimond/pearl/obsi lvl 3 and ruby lvl 2. 101 aura bought, silence +8 chain +7, reflect dmg and psychical mirror. Extalted lvl2 missing epic tauti and u can start part 3. 47 k PA points rune prestige 7 days. Toons on acc WL 91/wynn 98 /// Sahya 91/wynn 94 /// Sayha 85 / feo 93. Second acc Evi lvl 100 55% + duo wynn 87 3slots brooch with ruby lvl 3 exalted part 1 done + citrine from 2nd part. And bonus 2x rune 7 days for drop. Atm ive 2b adena to sell on ramona too ;)
  2. Hey as in topic. I wanna ask about buggs exploits and etc;D If some1 know exploits on retail server plz share ( usefull exploits )
  3. some photos ? Proofs it's rly work ?
  4. Some proofs ?
  5. more info ??
  6. dupe keys work but on IL high rate on h5 nope :S
  7. yeye its bugg another one use up, left, right and push on gate u leave cage under 60 sec to battle :)) and if i good remeber is a bug with major group heal 2 from a bish :))
  8. i will try it :)
  9. Server sux and Fail, land rate of skills = 0% Da, Necro etc palladin bugged same with pets n/c
  10. hmm if i good remeber powind and cov deacrease spd by 20% diffrence in pdef i dont remeber but powind give u 5% vampiric cov nope. Farm powind, pvp cov ?:D
  11. I dont tell it must be a shit but i think so. I wanna play D3 and i buy it but they creating this game 2 long, wanna do a super duper mmorpg with solo mode and this is risk. (Time)
  12. next fail hmm im start think about change l2 to another mmorpg :O
  13. o M f G where da fuck is some goood server :C
  14. Fail server. Next :S im getting bored
  15. As in topic lf good balanced pvp server where i dont take 5 k dmg from blow on tank, Or retarded kamaels r OP same as GH btw it will be nice if server be new and good online around 400 / 600 ppl +++++
  16. Page sux :O wtf is it shop or l2 server page ?:/
  17. and ? no1 play there or wtf ? No opinion ?
  18. omg maybe some day i will find good pvp server with almost perfect balnce where daggers dont hit from blows tanks around 3k dmg :O
  19. Yeah Diablo 3 will be a shit i think beacuse they create this game long like new Duke Nukem :/ But i wanna play to D3 this will be nice winter ^^
  20. about certs i think the best option is > Celestial , evasion and ... ? Long shot ? (pvp bow) UD is a shit (on most servers i played ) And what is better for GH (daggers) in freya cov or powind?
  21. Idk beacuse i cant see this bug (50 post) but on Sublimity server is bug with certs. u do 3 sub classes take books go to avant garde. Take certs > cancel them but after that u still got them :) im not sure about this in 100% beacuse i play there 1 month ago. Any way i think its still work on my SK i was got all certs skills :D
  22. Anti target bug FAIL :D
  23. Btw sorry for spam i know this bug on c4 was working great on l2 existence polish server :)
  24. Nice 3/4 of posts are hidden >.<
  25. Ive got always problem with thats skills :O i think the choice is simple for robe Power, Light chance :)
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