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About bartoruiz

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  1. Is your d1ck special?...why not a carrot for starters? How do you know he does'nt know how to suck d1ck?, He might be master already....or you are a master able to recognize newbie suckers :o Or maybe..... //whocares @topic starter : Don't ever pm me, ask in public :D
  2. The bottom status bar is interesting....it has a mail icon so it should be throne Hi5+
  3. get used kokomola... you might come from l2j, and they have sort of a "community" where everyone helps, lick each other wounds... all that carebear stuff In l2off we barely have a forum, help is available for non lazier people... and we basically hate each other for no reason :D It happens everywhere... lets say this is an elite-cars forum, and you came and ask "Which Ferrari should I buy?, are those better than a BMW?".... you are asking for trashtalk. PS "..." were intentional; eat that! :D
  4. increase maximum_npc=7 to 20 and see if that works
  5. I bet my left nut that you won't last a month without using //summon; either dont change anything or use it. Or you can join my server, you can farm there for years...it is retail like since I allow bots, lol.
  6. Won't work You will probably have better luck with your second option: Just try it ...it wont break anything :P This is the actual effect for HighFive: effect={{p_physical_attack;{all};15;per};{p_physical_attack_by_hp1;{sword;blunt};55;per};{p_2h_sword_bonus;10;per;6;diff};{p_2h_blunt_bonus;10;per;6;diff}}
  7. lin_GetAquireSkill: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_GetAquireSkill] ( @char_id INT, @subjob_id INT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT skill_id, skill_lev, is_lock FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND ISNULL(subjob_id, 0) = @subjob_id ORDER BY 1, 2 Edit it to: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_GetAquireSkill] ( @char_id INT, @subjob_id INT ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT skill_id, skill_lev, is_lock FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id ORDER BY 1, 2 Haven't tested but might work ;)
  8. I personally don't give a dam f*ck if he is selling stolen work, ...why discuss about it or even care when l2off is indeed stolen work from ncsoft. It is like caring about the authencity and originality of "Game of Thrones"; who gives a sh1t! The real issue here is to prove it's not just a scam and if he is able to deliver what it promises, and support it in the long run. IMO this is too elaborated for a scam (he would had better luck in l2j), but I'll wait for the 1st brave one to review...because in fact I am looking for 1 IL license, but I would rather pay more than gambling with "unknown"
  9. use another computer, obiously with different IP. The in lin2db.dbo.server create a 2nd record with the other IP.
  10. wrong forum, ask your question in L2J
  11. You have to run logd service, and that normally writes logs to a DB. If you also want to avoid that, this is a simple fake logd I made, it just open the same port logd would use. http://www.4shared.com/rar/ABveBSyp/fake_logd.html If you have doubts about the exe, it is just a netcat windows port and you can find your own. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcat
  12. disapointed myself :P He is guilty for covering teleport names with bright red, keep wondering why :D
  13. I can make it, but my time is expensive too :P And I would rather use myself.SetOneTimeQuestFlag , so it doesn't require to take any quest.
  14. crests are sever-side stored. I know that is what you meant to say, but for reference of others :P
  15. It does not display automatically, you need to reload AI in l2npc menu, but it is better to restart the whole l2npc If you already restarted l2npc, I duno....maybe you didnt save ai.obj?, or you are looking the wrong npc :P make sure you //summon clavier , which is Giran teleport
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