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Everything posted by m0f0

  1. Opa natos o karieristas!!haahha! dn tha me deis gt dn prokeite na xasw to xrono m se server me gm ton stalone kai players san esena petraki!!polla zoria!!
  2. Ahah petraki s stakse kana epic dwro o stalone kai ton glifeis??
  3. Ti egine petraki arxisame na glifoume ton stalone twra?? trismegiste faila??
  4. U want to know why??cause i hate ppl like you or yuri... ppl who lie ... ppl who are retarded ... ppl who say when its so fuking obvious that online number is real,,, ppl who say they dont donate epics and they do etc etc!anything more??
  5. Bump for this amazing server with REAL online (ahhha),, NO op donations or hidden (ahahha),,really balanced files ( ahahah) and ofc dedicated,mature and ofc NOT corrupted staff (ahahaah) !!!
  6. Low donates??ahahaa a friend of mine took everythingwith 50 euro! so dont be lame!
  7. Kane kana post akoma stokadi!
  8. Servers fail n0t cause 0f bad files but fr0m idi0t and greedy gms wh0 either lie ab0ut 0nline ppl ,0r cause they bec0me greedy and give all sh1ts with d0nate... stal0ne was a greedy gm and 0fc a lier gm wh0 always lied ab0ut c0mmunity when it was s0 0bvi0us... s0 h0w can s0meone trust a server 0wner like him??
  9. Nice server ahahaha!where is that romanian who defended that lol java server ??
  10. Maybe there are not that much i dont know for sure...but for sure u cant even xp fast cause too many ppl in all mobs... go play those lol java servers with 200 active ppl np by me!
  11. Go lineageii.pro and see if u dont believe!!yesterday there was 9k ppl online!
  12. Whats the reason to play in server like these or bfp when lineageii.pro is x30 with official files??? and 9k ppl??
  13. Seems that server will attract community! so lets see if he will fail one more time!
  14. Seems like stalone server!plus steven7 was defending majenta moon server too!
  15. So if u are not yuri/revenge/mouse or whatever i dont know,,, just tell What about donations??
  16. Really good files BUT gm aka yuri aka revenge cares only about euros!!he give epics +10 /olf shirt +10/ sets +10/ everything for money!if he was only a little clever he could have made even more money with carefull donations!!but that russians cares only about euros... so if u decide to play there just know that there will be allways 10-15 epic donators who wont die!!
  17. I really wonder how desperate and stupid is that stalone aka basilis aka ***** !! Kala re kolozwo akoma dn exeis katalavei oti dn prokeite na paiksei kaneis sovaros anthrwpos sto server sou??ante parata to mas exeis zalisei me ta fail server sou!
  18. Ok say the truth ,,stalones account in mxc was scammed someone else is writing!!!
  19. Stalones server!!! real online number!!!ahahahaahah!!!vasilako ftanei kaneis server asxete ante pane vres kamia douleia na vgaleis kana psilo!
  20. REally dont waste your time in stalones server... just and idiot admin...
  21. Stalone server???? ahhahhaaha!!! keep failing vasilako noobako!!!
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