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About insaneCoder

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  1. Sometimes piracy even makes a good deal for game companies. suppose there is a new COD come out, and it's too expensive, so you can download cracked version, and try it. if u really like it, then u buy a licensed version, and enjoy multiplayer.
  2. I do like VC, and IV... I just LOOOOVE them )))
  3. The server i was using this exploit on, was interlude.. I just shared one of the bugs, EXPLOITS, i found myself. If you don't like, you can show ur respect like not giving such a shitty description to my post. thx
  4. mm, great tut :)))
  5. I adore AOM, Kazaki, Rise of Nations, Generals.
  6. I've read all the rules, thx every1
  7. Hey, I'm newbie on this forum but i have an experience of 6-7 years playing lineage 2. So, 2 years ago, I've discovered MYSELF an antitarget bug. 1.We turn on L2 Packet Hack (l2phx) 2.Then we log in game. 3.Then we send a packet of FIREWORKS (I don't remember exactly the packet : ( ) to server!!!! 4.After this, we gonna be teleported to the very angle of the PRIMEVAL ISLE, and we gonna continuously falling down, we gonna never stop falling down! 5.Afterwards, we enter the site of the server, log in with our main pass, and TELEPORT OUR CHAR FROM STUCK TEXTURES or simply print /unstuck in the game. AFTER THIS WE GONNA LOG OFF, AND THE LOG IN GAME. WHEN I DID IT, I GOT ANTITARGET, and GM was unable to ban me until he restarted server.. He was getting an error "THIS PERSON IS NOT FOUND". I was using this bug on a russian JAVA server. I SWEAR BY GOD, I DISCOVERED THIS BY MYSELF!
  8. Exactly the Lineage II is the best game ever
  9. VC and IV, i voted for vice city, old school ))
  10. godfather 2 is an utterly moronish game, hate it.. but i haven't played Mafia..
  11. i think piracy doesn't kill the gaming, because not everyone can afford and buy those expensive games.. that's my mind
  12. 1)Perfect World 2)Farmville ;-D 3)Kamel :&
  13. Emm, Hi Guyz! My name's Mike, I'm from Batumi, Georgia. I've been playing Lineage 2 for 6 years. My favourite chronicles are Interlude C6. Frankly speaking, I'm THE VERY newbie in using some bugz, or packet hack. I'M EAGER, I JUST WANT IT VERY MUCH TO become professional bugger. Thx to everyone for further help! :)
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